Sentences with phrase «summary fashion»

There are some typical mistakes that you should avoid when first starting up a business in your home, such as those described in summary fashion below.
«Neutral Case Evaluation» means a process in which the parties and their attorneys, present in summary fashion evidence and arguments supporting their respective positions, to a neutral.
The Tabernacle is to be built now (according to the list of specifications which are recorded in summary fashion in verses 10 - 18) with the free offerings of gifts and services of all Israel.
My current position in summary fashion is that those who do not have the righteousness of Christ by faith do exist for eternity in a state of separation from God, but I do not think this involves the physical torment of burning for all eternity.
In summary fashion, I want to suggest how the doctrine of internal relations may enhance an understanding of separatism and Be-Friending.
In stating in summary fashion the Christian conception of the Kingdom of God we are not pretending that we can see perfectly what this means, nor are we saying that we can arrive at a formal principle which can act as a rule by which all Christian value judgments can be simply made.
What if, for example, the CRTC could also set out timelines within which such decisions will be issued (perhaps in a summary fashion) where a licensing application or distribution request raises no novel regulatory issues?
In the present case, the Appellant's entire claim was dismissed in summary fashion — in circumstances where the Respondent had not cross-appealed for summary dismissal.
A few weeks ago, I complained about the South Carolina appellate courts issuing uncitable, unpublished opinions from cases that were not decided in a summary fashion.
«The subject matter of the complaint being serious and complex, I agree that it should not be determined in a summary fashion and in the absence of the factual record necessary to fully appreciate the matters in issue»: at 5.
Bringing these types of cases in a summary fashion seems to make a lot of sense, having regard to all the legal factors — complexity, proportionality, etc..
«Academy's argument highlights the confusion caused by the fact its OPRA claim was permitted to proceed with the amalgam of claims alleged in its complaint as opposed to the summary fashion required by Rule 4:67 - 1 (a),» the Appeals Court stated.
I have set out the recommendations in a summary fashion (which are quite lengthy despite being in a summary fashion) below.
Write about your level of experience in a summary fashion by stating the number of years of your practical experience in airline industry.
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