Sentences with phrase «summer at higher latitudes»

Their projections show an increase to growing season length, vegetation productivity (outside of the southeastern US) and biomass, as well as increased plant water - use efficiency.They also find that vegetation feedbacks may increase warming in summer at higher latitudes and reduce summer warming at lower latitudes.
In contrast, during the summer at high latitudes, the troposphere warms significantly as a result of the long hours of daylight; however, owing to the oblique angle of the sunlight near the poles, the temperatures there remain relatively cool compared with middle latitudes.

Not exact matches

An 17O excess up to 7.5 per mil was observed in summer at high northern latitudes.
At higher latitudes, the long summer days naturally deprive animals of sleep, but they use their time awake to eat more food to get through the short days of winter when food is scarcer.
With higher precipitation, portions of this snow may not melt during the summer and so glacial ice can form at lower altitudes and more southerly latitudes, reducing the temperatures over land by increased albedo as noted above.
So in Greenland it got warmer both because of higher CO2, more sunlight at high latitudes during summer, AND because of increased poleward heat flow.
(57j) For surface + tropospheric warming in general, there is (given a cold enough start) positive surface albedo feedback, that is concentrated at higher latitudes and in some seasons (though the temperature response to reduced summer sea ice cover tends to be realized more in winter when there is more heat that must be released before ice forms).
Moreover, the seasonal, regional, and atmospheric patterns of rising temperatures — greater warming in winters than summers, greater warming at high latitudes than near the equator, and a cooling in the stratosphere while the lower atmosphere is warmer — jibe with what computer models predict should happen with greenhouse heating.
(1) p228 Recently observed moderate climatic changes have induced forest productivity gains globally (reviewed in Boisvenue and Running, 2006) and possibly enhanced carbon sequestration, especially in tropical forests (Baker et al., 2004; Lewis et al., 2004a, 2004b; Malhi and Phillips, 2004; Phillips et al., 2004), where these are not reduced by water limitations (e.g., Boisvenue and Running, 2006) or offset by deforestation or novel fire regimes (Nepstad et al., 1999, 2004; Alencar et al., 2006) or by hotter and drier summers at mid - and high latitudes (Angert et al., 2005)
Most interesting is that the about monthly variations correlate with the lunar phases (peak on full moon) The Helsinki Background measurements 1935 The first background measurements in history; sampling data in vertical profile every 50 - 100m up to 1,5 km; 364 ppm underthe clouds and above Haldane measurements at the Scottish coast 370 ppmCO2 in winds from the sea; 355 ppm in air from the land Wattenberg measurements in the southern Atlantic ocean 1925-1927 310 sampling stations along the latitudes of the southern Atlantic oceans and parts of the northern; measuring all oceanographic data and CO2 in air over the sea; high ocean outgassing crossing the warm water currents north (> ~ 360 ppm) Buchs measurements in the northern Atlantic ocean 1932 - 1936 sampling CO2 over sea surface in northern Atlantic Ocean up to the polar circle (Greenland, Iceland, Spitsbergen, Barents Sea); measuring also high CO2 near Spitsbergen (Spitsbergen current, North Cape current) 364 ppm and CO2 over sea crossing the Atlantic from Kopenhagen to Newyork and back (Brements on a swedish island Lundegards CO2 sampling on swedish island (Kattegatt) in summer from 1920 - 1926; rising CO2 concentration (+7 ppm) in the 20s; ~ 328 ppm yearly average
MILANKOVITCH CYCLES overall favor N.H. cooling and an increase in snow cover over N.H high latitudes during the N.H summers due to the fact that perihelion occurs during the N.H. winter (highly favorable for increase summer snow cover), obliquity is 23.44 degrees which is at least neutral for an increase summer N.H. snow cover, while eccentricity of the earth's orbit is currently at 0.0167 which is still circular enough to favor reduced summertime solar insolation in the N.H. and thus promote more snow cover.
Despite the accompanying colder winters, getting melting going during those long hot summers is how we got rid of the ice sheets at high northern latitudes.
The first difference arises because annual average temperature change is greater than summer temperature change at high latitudes, but the mass balance sensitivity is greater to summer change.
Warming forced by CO2 (as opposed to natural internal variability) will have the following characteristics: — More warming at night than during the day — More warming in winter than in summer — More warming at high latitudes than at low latitudes.
TLM (08:20:22) Warming forced by CO2 (as opposed to natural internal variability) will have the following characteristics: — More warming at night than during the day — More warming in winter than in summer — More warming at high latitudes than at low latitudes.
It is seen that the zero phase difference line approaches high latitudes in winter and moves to middle, even tropical latitudes during summer at both hemispheres.
At high latitudes the upwelling brings air rich in the heavy molecular constituents N2 and O2 to high altitudes and the circulation carries this molecular - rich air to midlatitudes, especially in the summer hemisphere, where the mean meridional circulation is already equatorward.
In this article I present prima facie evidence that the ongoing natural increase in spring insolation occurring at high northern latitudes, coupled with the positive feedback effect of the resultant snow and ice loss reducing the region's mean albedo over summer, comprises just such a causative agency.
Glacials happen when the 100,000 year Milankovitch orbital cycle is such that summer irradiance in high northern latitudes is at its lowest point — allowing the persistence of ice fields.
In the case of the 100 kyr ice age cycles, that forcing is high northern latitude summer insolation driven by predictable changes in Earth's orbital and rotational parameters — aka, Milankovitch theory — which has the intial effect of melting glaciers, thereby reducing albedo at those latitudes.
Their study, also reported in The Cryosphere, included the mid-Holocene period about 6,000 years ago, when summer temperatures at high northern latitudes were 2 - 3 °C warmer than today.
This report discusses our current understanding of the mechanisms that link declines in Arctic sea ice cover, loss of high - latitude snow cover, changes in Arctic - region energy fluxes, atmospheric circulation patterns, and the occurrence of extreme weather events; possible implications of more severe loss of summer Arctic sea ice upon weather patterns at lower latitudes; major gaps in our understanding, and observational and / or modeling efforts that are needed to fill those gaps; and current opportunities and limitations for using Arctic sea ice predictions to assess the risk of temperature / precipitation anomalies and extreme weather events over northern continents.
GMT drops initially at glacial inception in response to decreased summer radiation at high northern latitudes that would have led to equatorward extension of sea ice and snow cover with associated cooling from increased albedo.
Only a strong reduction in summer insolation at high northern latitudes, along with associated feedbacks, can end the current interglacial.
«The Milankovitch theory of climate change proposes that glacial - interglacial cycles are driven by changes in summer insolation at high northern latitudes [i.e., solar irradiance received].
Summer snow extent is defined by snow melting at high latitudes.
Summer extent is defined by snow melting at high latitudes.
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