Sentences with phrase «summer feeding grounds»

During the winter Pacific grey whales migrate between summer feeding grounds in Alaska and breeding areas in Baja, Mexico, passing through the Santa Barbara Channel.
Summer feeding grounds for the eastern population lie in the Bering and Chukchi Seas between Alaska and Russia.
During the winter pacific gray whales migrate between summer feeding grounds in Alaska and breeding areas in Baja, Mexico, passing through the Santa Barbara Channel.
Scientists on the US Pacific coast are increasingly observing emaciated gray whales in what they fear is a sign that global warming is wreaking havoc in the whales» Bering Sea summer feeding grounds.
The whales summer feeding grounds are close to the project's offshore platforms in the Sea of Okhotsk.
Every year, these gentle giants migrate north to warmer waters in winter and southwards to summer feeding grounds in Antarctica.
In those Alaska summer feeding grounds, Gabriele sees the same 300 or so whales «again and again.»
Researchers at the Cascadia Research Collective in Olympia, Washington, tracked seven whales — which they recognized by the markings on their tail flukes — from their summer feeding grounds in the Antarctic Ocean to their winter breeding grounds off the Pacific coast of Central America.
Mother gray whales are nursing their newborn calves, plumping them up for the 6,000 - mile trip next month to summer feeding grounds in the Arctic.
Although still quite chilly out, this is a great time to get on the water and spot the nearly 20,000 Grey Whales, who return to the area from the Baja Peninsula, where they breed, en route to their summer feeding grounds near the Arctic.
Over 20,000 gray whales migrate annually from the summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea, to the winter grounds of the Baja California lagoons, and back again, along the Southern California coast.
Beginning each spring 20,000 Gray Whales travel up the western shore of Vancouver Island on their way to their summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea.
Witness the migration of narwhal and beluga to their summer feeding grounds in the High Arctic!
Here, males and females congregate looking for mates and newborn calves prepare themselves for the long journey north to their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic.
Every year, humpback whales swim 3,000 miles from their summer feeding grounds in Alaska to mate and calve in Hawai`i's clear, warm waters.
The North Island Kayak Four Day Orcas and the Humpbacks Sea Kayaking Adventure concentrates on the areas known to be the primary summer range of Northern Resident Orca (killer whale) population and the summer feeding grounds of an ever increasing number of Humpback Whales.
Critically endangered western gray whales migrate into their summer feeding grounds near Sahkalin Island, Russia in late May or early June and return to their winter feeding grounds in the South China Sea in late autumn.
These are known to be the summer feeding grounds of the Northern Resident Orcas, or killer whales and surround the protected Robson Bight Ecological Reserve.
Every year an estimated 20,000 grey whales migrate from the Baja Peninsula's breeding and calving lagoons in Mexico toward their summer feeding grounds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas near the Arctic.
Migrating annually, they move from their summer feeding grounds near the poles to warmer winter breeding waters closer to the equator.
The whales begin their journey at their summer feeding grounds off Arctic waters of the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.
This extension makes Point Cabrillo a brilliant location from which to watch the migration of the Gray Whales between the lagoons of Baja Mexico and their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic Ocean.
The whales that come here each winter migrate between these lagoons and the summer feeding grounds in the Chukchi, Beaufort and Bering Seas.
Monterey Bay is the summer feeding grounds for the great baleen whales, which swarm into the bay to feed on the abundant krill blooms.
Tens of thousands of gray whales migrate annually along the Laguna Beachcoastline from the summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea to the winter grounds inBaja California lagoons.
Rich Press: Every fall, Gray whales migrate from their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic to their breeding and calving grounds in lagoons... Continue reading →
Rich Press: Every fall, Gray whales migrate from their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic to their breeding and calving grounds in lagoons off Baja, California in Mexico.
This whale population, hunted nearly to extinction generations ago, is slowly recovering, with an estimated 450 right whales dividing their time between winter calving areas off the southeastern United States and summer feeding grounds from New England north.
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