Sentences with phrase «summer heatwave»

The phrase "summer heatwave" refers to a period of intense and exceptionally hot weather that occurs during the summer season. Full definition
Pointless & Pathetic: South Australia's Wind Power Output Repeatedly Plummets During Summer Heatwave (Again)-- STOP THESE THINGS
Schar C, Vidale PL, Luthi D, Frei C, Haberli C, Liniger MA, Appenzeller C: The role of increasing temperature variability in European summer heatwaves.
With a scorching summer heatwave a few months ahead — and likely another round of massive subway delays as well — there is a chance Nixon will try to close the gap the in the polls by pinning the MTA's perennial woes on Cuomo.
Researchers find strong climate signal behind the heatwaves and record average temperatures that beset Australia's eastern states this summer
It's been the perfect lightweight dress for coping with late summer heatwaves in LA and it's also an easy transition piece for fall when paired with a slouchy boyfriend blazer and bold, structured accessories.
I am similarly attired, as New York, where Metaxas lives and works, is experiencing an unprecedented summer heatwave.
We are in the middle of the most horrendous summer heatwave here in Southern Australia — 108F.
Too hot to handle Summer heatwaves arise when high - pressure systems linger over an area and trap heat near the ground.
A more than tenfold increase in extreme warm events, has the authors state that we can attribute the monster 2010 Moscow summer heatwave, and the 2011 Oklahoma / Texas heatwave, to global warming.
This relatively recent — and sometimes controversial — area of research has linked a warming Arctic with very cold winters in the UK, North America and Central Asia, as well as longer - lasting summer heatwaves in Russia.
I wore this outfit on my way home to see the family this past weekend during an intense summer heatwave!
AS Australians sweltered through a record - breaking summer heatwave this week, one of the world's leading scientific bodies revised down its five - year projection for the world's average temperature.
Severe «snowmageddon» winters are very likely linked to the rapidly increasing polar temperatures, with deadly summer heatwaves and intense flooding probably also linked.
As summer heatwaves intensify across Canada, smaller cities need to follow the lead of Toronto and Vancouver - to protect vulnerable citizens from injury, disease and death.
Coal could still be used to provide supply buffers against summer heatwave demand spikes.
Another paper identified how many extra deaths there were in London and Paris during the 2003 summer heatwave because of our warming climate.
Australia's extreme summer heatwave, which caused devastating bushfires and saw temperature forecasts go off the scale, is part of a global warming trend, the UN's climate panel chief said Tuesday.
The role of increasing temperature variability in European summer heatwaves.
Floods, bushfires and this year's scorching summer heatwave have raised awareness of the dangers of climate change, but an «infantile» debate over the validity of the science has cost Australia precious time, according to a key Climate Commission expert.
Researchers find strong climate signal behind the heatwaves and record average temperatures that beset Australia's eastern states this summer
I'm stocking up on more linen pieces, as they work perfectly for LA's late Summer heatwaves, and often look great for transitioning into Fall.
The 2003 summer heatwave in Europe resulted in 35,000 deaths, many of them in France, after temperatures rose 5 degrees above normal.
Forget the summer heatwave - the retail giant has released its predictions on what kids» toys will be flying off the shelves come December
With tips and new cooling centers from the Health Department, Rockland County is braving the first heatwave of the summer
In 2010 the monster summer Moscow heatwave is readily visible (circled), as is the summer heatwave covering Texas, Oklahoma and Northern Mexico in 2011 (also circled).
A new study shows weather patterns have changed in recent decades, making eastern North America, Europe and western Asia more prone to summer heatwaves.
When our members Shaun St - Amour and Chris Hill opened the Ice Box Challenge ice boxes on Vancouver's Olympic Village Square on August 14, they revealed how high - performance design and construction yields energy - efficient benefits even during a summer heatwave.
Dr Peter Stott of the UK Met Office led a study investigating the specific causes of Europe's 2003 summer heatwaves, which resulted in over 14,000 heat - related deaths across Europe.
According to the UK Climate Risk Assessment, the two most important climate risks facing the UK are flooding and summer heatwaves; I will focus on these as the possible bases for a campaign.
In the worst instance, temperatures over the Gulf of Finland could reach 8 °C higher than any ever recorded and others — Innsbruck is cited as an example — could stifle in summer heatwaves 14 °C hotter than any in the past.
The fine weather comes at a time when tabloid headline writers have been having a field day, with predictions that the fine weather is the start of a spring and summer heatwave.
During the summer heatwave of 2003, differences of up to 9 °C between city and rural temperatures were measured in London.
The assessment of future weather extremes finds the role of human influence is «detectable» in summer heatwaves and in intense rainfall.
Schär, C., P. Vidale, D. Luthi, C. Frei, C. Haberli, M. A. Liniger, and C. Appenzeller, 2004: The role of increasing temperature variability in European summer heatwaves.
Summer heatwave may explain surge in deaths in England and Wales.
The summer heatwave also produces several predictable storylines that are ripe for input from an informed lawyer.
With grieving loved ones confident their deceased's body is being taken care of, this Co-op Funeralcare branch in Windsor, UK, allegedly left corpses to decompose during the summer heatwave, in the back of the building.
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