Sentences with phrase «summer surprise»

"Summer surprise" refers to an unexpected or pleasant event or experience that happens during the summer season. It can be something enjoyable or exciting that brings joy or adds fun to your summer. Full definition
Even if it doesn't get its just due come award season, this is a late summer surprise worth climbing into a theater seat to see.
The response so far seems to be muted (it is a pretty brief glimpse), but I wonder if this might be a late summer surprise.
Andre Villas - Boas» decision to allow commanding centre - back Caulker to leave Tottenham Hotspur last summer surprised many fans of the North London club.
• The Man From U.N.C.L.E. - This franchise hopeful adaptation of the spy TV series was a pleasant summer surprise featuring Guy Ritchie's best work in ages, heaps of style, and a disgustingly beautiful cast.
With a screenplay by Dan Fogelman, «Crazy, Stupid, Love» remains the great summer surprise of the year.
If they can balance the physical hijinks with some decent jokes, this might be a fun summer surprise.
With a witty, child - friendly script by comedy guru Nicholas Stoller (Get Him to the Greek, The Muppets) and confidently self - assured direction courtesy of DreamWorks veteran David Soren (Turbo), the movie is far more engaging than it potentially has any right to be, and as implausibly ridiculous as it all is, save a few minor hiccups this ends up being a delightful summer surprise I can't say I saw coming.
«For a wittier, darker, more surprising take on international sporting activities, head to this show» The Guardian, one of London's top 5 art exhibitions this summer
So it was a welcome early summer surprise to visit the Pollock - Krasner House and Study Center, just up Springs - Fireplace Road, and discover that, courtesy of the Washburn Gallery, its walls were hung with art by a painter from the heyday of Abstract Expressionism whose first name does not begin with Jackson or Willem (or, for that matter, with Mark or Cy or Barnett or Robert).
«We're The Millers» won't play well with audiences averse to overtly crude humor, but for those who enjoy the occasional R - rated romp, it's a nice, subversive late summer surprise.
Summers surprised some lawmakers Wednesday when he warned Congress that not supporting the legislation could lead to a double - dip recession in 2011.
Magical heist thriller NOW YOU SEE ME, was quite the summer surprise.
That makes it difficult to talk about in any significant detail — it'd be a shame if many of those ways are even hinted at, for fear of giving the entire game away — but it will suffice to say that the actor Joel Edgerton, here making his directorial debut with his own screenplay, has made an auspicious, enjoyable debut with this late summer surprise.
Steven Soderbergh returns with this late summer surprise, a NASCAR - set heist flick with several tricks up its sleeve
If he did, this could be a summer surprise.
Overall, benefiting from great voice work, stunning animation, and an elegant balance in various comedy techniques, ParaNorman is a late summer surprise that shouldn't be missed out on.
Two years later, the AFT has launched another «summer surprise» — a white paper claiming to blow the lid off charter schools.
«SUMMER SURPRISES» JULY 22 THROUGH AUGUST, 2016 Reception: Thursday, August 4, 6 - 8 p.m. Open by appointment & chance Press Release
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