Sentences with phrase «sun leads to skin cancer»

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Early sun exposure can lead to skin cancer later in life.
KH: Long term unprotected sun exposure can lead to lots of undesired effects such as skin cancer, long term sun damage and early skin aging.
The summer months bring lots of outdoor fun, but too much time in the sun with too little protection can lead to skin damage and skin cancer.
Since the ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet light from the sun, ozone layer depletion can lead to increased rates skin cancer, eye damage and other adverse consequences.
In fact, sun - related skin changes that occur as early as the first year of life may trigger a cascade of reactions that could lead to melanoma and other forms of skin cancer later in life, according to a new review in the July issue of Pediatrics.
A new way to undo sun damage UV damage releases free radicals in your body that attack DNA structure, hinder the function of skin cells and cause mutations that may lead to cancer.
SPF's above 50 + give people a false sense of security, which tends to lead to less reapplication and increased risk of sun damage and skin cancer.
Increasing your sun exposure is dangerous if you don't protect your skin from UV rays, which can lead to skin cancer and premature wrinkles.
Recent research shows that a diet rich in selenium leads to lowered risks of skin cancer and sun damage.
However, like any other organ of the body, the skin deserves regular checkup to ensure that it remains free of any conditions that may lead to sun damage or skin cancer.
I believe the evidence is quite clear; your likelihood of developing deadly skin cancer from sun exposure is nowhere near as high as you have been led to believe in the past.
With repeated exposure to UV sunlight, sun damage occurs which can lead onto skin cancer.
We already know that sunburns lead to an increased risk of developing skin cancer and watching our sun exposure is key to keeping our skin and ourselves healthy, but even with the most diligent use of sunscreen, burns can still happen if you're outside long enough.
Melanoma is becoming increasingly more common, the result is thought to be sun exposure that can damage DNA and lead to cancer - causing genetic changes within skin cells.
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