Sentences with phrase «sunshine laws»

Sunshine laws are rules or regulations that require government meetings and documents to be open and accessible to the public. These laws promote transparency and ensure that people have the right to know what their government is doing. Full definition
He said relaxing sunshine laws might make it easier for boards to operate but that easier is not always what is best for the public.
After numerous filings under sunshine laws, a copy of the agreement was obtained by the Energy & Environment Legal Institute, a free - market think tank.
State Sens. John DeFrancisco, James Seward and Pam Helming, and Assemblymen Gary Finch and Robert Oaks have all claimed to be champions of sunshine laws.
But not everywhere: In D.C., for instance, charters are exempt from sunshine laws, which means journalists and parents often can not access even basic information about how the schools spend taxpayer money.
The trial revealed top Cuomo aides conducting state business via personal email accounts, thereby masking some communications from state sunshine laws.
Environmental organizations contend the task force was a cozy cabal of energy - industry representatives meeting in violation of federal sunshine laws.
The public would still have the right to request entire copies of winning proposals through a process governed by an existing sunshine law known as the Freedom of Information Act.
Current sunshine laws allow boards very little room for self - critique, according to Bryant.
In one of several essays in this issue addressing relations between unions and school boards, George Mitchell and Howard Fuller («A Culture of Complaint,» page 18) propose that bargaining be subject to the same sunshine laws that apply to other public business.
When a business is put in the spotlight of a traditional courtroom divorce, Florida's sunshine laws dictate that the remains of the business can be picked apart in detail by competitors sifting through a public court file.
Both «sunshine laws» were flouted in the past.
«The President has submitted to Parliament what we call the sunshine law, to expose corruption through the freedom of information act and public officers» accountability act and others in order to deepen transparency and accountability in government.
«Without question, sunshine laws, which make people operate in the public eye, add a layer of complexity and scrutiny to the work of school boards,» Perpetua told Education World.
NGA and CCSSO are not subject to any sunshine laws that governmental bodies must obey.
But while the law struggles, and fails, to keep up with innovations in technology, public schools are stuck in the middle of the tug - of - war between privacy protection requirements and sunshine laws.
Parr Brown President Jeff Hunt, who founded the FOI Hotline in 1992, said the goal was to help journalists and members of the public exercise their rights under the First Amendment and Utah's «sunshine laws» to obtain information about the workings of government and to hold public officials accountable.
The attorney general's office is required to respond to requests to make these records available to the public under the sunshine law.
A sunshine law for third - party funding is something else for which we've advocated.
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