Sentences with phrase «super heavy»

It is warm and comforting yet not super heavy like a chicken pot pie.
You don't need to go super heavy on this exercise — concentrate on getting your form perfect.
This exercise is about developing control and stability, so don't feel like you have to lift super heavy weights.
It's basically the aspect of challenging your body with super heavy weights and low rep ranges, with 2 - 3 minutes rest between sets that helps to maximize T production.
If you want to build big trap muscles, use super heavy weights, and if you just want to support your posture and shoulder joint use lighter weights.
The are super heavy duty, nearly last a lifetime, but they can be a paint in the butt to paint with if your not familiar with using them.
Lots of military aspects, but fortunately it didn't go super heavy into that stuff - just enough to make it real.
It doesn't feel super heavy when pushing despite the weight of the stroller + my 15 lb infant.
I wouldn't want to make anything super heavy or big.
I ended up damaging my left shoulder badly doing super heavy shoulder presses.
If we don't get sweaty or pick up something super heavy, we don't feel like we've gotten in a «real» workout.
And by weights, I don't mean you need to be lifting super heavy either.
Not super heavy so it was great walking around on college tours with my daughter.
I don't even need to wear super heavy socks with him.
One year I have no periods, next year I'm having prolonged super heavy periods that last for several weeks at a time, max 6 weeks and causing me extreme fatigue.
I tried on grey over the knee boots but they made the outfit silhouette look super heavy.
The rain started pounding super heavy outside of their window.
Given its hardware, it should be a decent phone but do not expect it to go blazing on high end gaming and super heavy multitasking.
With all that fabric my guess is that it is one super heavy tree skirt.
Mine is super heavy though but I was able to hang it with strong command hooks (HERE).
If you're lifting super heavy, cap off your reps at 10.
It makes my skin SO soft, and I really like that it doesn't feel super heavy.
You don't need to go super heavy with it, but your body will need energy for building up your muscles, so give your body what it needs.
It's also not super heavy, so it's also great for oily skin.
For super heavy wetting babies or toddlers you can use 3 inserts (this is an amazing nighttime solution!).
The large snake style soaker consists of two layers of super heavy organic bamboo fleece topped with one layer of organic bamboo velour.
We got super heavy duty drawers (that was a must for me), matte finish, and our shaker style fronts have some extra «beveled» edges just for personality.
Although carrying super heavy antique scales through the airport from a trip (in my hand luggage no less) seems like a bad idea at the time, the buyers remorse subsides and I am happy to have these odds and ends to feel more at home.
«Super heavy data users» or those who go over 15 GB make up less than 1 % of current Fi users today, according to Google.
Avoid super heavy meals and overeating, which both interfere with restful sleep.
I'm not a big fan of super heavy dressings either and opt to make my own or at least just use a drizzle of olive oil over using the store bought 20 + ingredient processed salad dressings
The small soaker consists of two layers of super heavy organic bamboo fleece and one layer of polartec fleece.
Daphne: Having moved from the US to Russia and back, and going from state to state a few times in my life before settling in Oregon, I have to say I really appreciate not having too many super heavy trade paperbacks and individual comics to drag around.
I've had a long couple of weeks with not one full day off — working three jobs, plus other side projects, prepping for a show, and working through some (honestly) super heavy stuff, plus trying to workout and practice yoga for sanity, etc..
When I was in high school about 10 years ago, the only solution to avoid lugging around super heavy books was to make extra trips to your locker, or use a rolling book bag.
If we wanted to, we could actually add two more side boosters and make it Falcon Super Heavy... I think we can crank up thrust and probably get upwards of 9 million pounds of thrust,» Musk said on the press call.
And while menstrual cups are safe to keep in for up to 12 hours, Dr. Berens is skeptical that they'll last that long, especially for those with super heavy flow: «I'd recommend changing them more frequently — about as often as you'd change an extra-large tampon — to avoid accidents,» she says.
I love that I can finally find some that are big, but not super heavy!!!
Having moved from the US to Russia and back, and going from state to state a few times in my life before settling in Oregon, I have to say I really appreciate not having too many super heavy trade paperbacks and individual comics to drag around.
Among vehicles, we have the new Char 2C Super Heavy Tank and St. Chamond tank of the French Army.
It is not super heavy per say, but I found holding it for anymore then 30 minutes became an exercise in willpower!
The absolute BEST supersets for this style of super heavy training is deadlifts paired with bench, and squats paired with weighted pullups.
Enchilada casseroles range from super heavy on the ingredients to super simple.
A recent study calls youthful, married customers in need of a healthy meal or snack, a distinct group of «super heavy shoppers» (source: Hass Avocado Board).
Super heavy comparing to Indie that is only 20 lbs.

Phrases with «super heavy»

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