Sentences with phrase «super hero movie»

Still, for those wanting action, but tired of super hero movies, this movie is an ideal choice.
Watching super hero movies, one can easily imagine how useful some of those powers might be for your average sales guy.
For me a perfect action super hero movie and I want to see it again.
90 % of online chatter seems to surround the latest super hero movie trailer or casting news.
I feel like they had a good concept going with the found footage super hero movie, but as soon as I found out it's about «kids» I completely lost interest.
Marvel's The Avengers substantially raises the bar for super hero movies, says William Paul Jones, and it's one of the year's best films.
Well I enjoy anime and some scifi and fantasy, I also love super hero movies and I'm a fan of marvel comics, I love to play video games and cosplay when i can afford the material.
This is a great super hero movie with no special plot, just another revenge story, the title of which shouldn't trick people into thinking that Kick Ass ends up being important.
It seems that Hollywood has made so many comic book / super hero movies in the last two decades or so that it has had a deleterious effect on the public imagination.
The Dark Knight Rises has been heating up cinemas for the past few days, so it seems only fitting that with the last part of the trilogy in cinemas today, we take a look at one of the most enduring stars of the famed DC super hero movie franchise.
A fun fact about me is I have a secret love for Action and Marvel super hero movies!
Marvel continues to roll in the big money with successful super hero movies.
Diana Prince has officially arrived in the world of men, both literally and figuratively, as DC and Warner Bros. dropped the very first trailer to the very first female led super hero movie....
i love the direction of this movie so glad it is «nt another cheese fest comedic super hero movie like GOTG this feels like it has a message, some depth to the lore and characters and has a very cerebral tone and feel
I think that this is being released the same day the LEGO batman 2: DC Universe Super Heroes movie is coming out!!
Usually, these big sci - fi / super hero movies blow their budgets on effects, at the cost of a couple script rewrites.
The Incredibles is the best super hero movie ever made, and possibly the best animated film ever made.
He blends the worlds of the hand held camera / found footage movies and super hero movies together without ever feeling too pretentious or serious about it.
Many super hero movies lately are being set in a more realistic society, but Gotham is still Gotham and Metropolis is still Metropolis.
Even comparing this to the Christoper Reeve Superman movies will help you realize just how far super heroes movies have come.
From the Studio: Marvel Studios presents Avengers: Age of Ultron, the epic follow - up to the biggest Super Hero movie of all time.
After DC and WB beat them to the punch announcing a standalone super hero movie with a female lead officially in an investor call two weeks ago, Marvel Studios brought out the fanfare - and the fans - for their announcement.
Although Acura's only showing the car in coupe form at this point, there are rumblings of a convertible variant, fueled in part by the appearance of a similar - looking roadster on the set of the forthcoming Avengers super hero movie.
I'm not usually a fan of super hero movies, but there is something about the Thor series.
Disaster Movie is just that a disaster there was only one funny part, I expected a lot more after watching Super Hero Movie, I wouldn't recommend this movie.
It's no secret that I like my super hero movies, comic books and I totally freak out over all things relating to Darth Vader.
So yes, I -LCB- or I should say he -RCB- sees every super hero movie out there.
My 30 - something husband is still a super hero movie fan so I'm convinced it'll take them a while to outgrow this if we can do it right.
I'm a little nerdy and love almost all super hero movies and Star Trek movies.
Video games are my number one thing, and will always will be.I love comic / super hero movies...
This will not change the super hero movie.
Marvel has finally done a super hero movie the right way and with the crossovers coming in Thor, Captain America, and The Avengers the next year and half could prove to be a great thrill ride of action packed ass kicking.
His Magneto didn't have the character depth of Shakespeare's Macbeth but, it was still only a super hero movie.
For every Marvel Studios production announcement there is a corresponding chorus of «Not another super hero movie
Of the massive success of Black Panther and Wonder Woman, he quipped: «I remember a time when the major studios didn't believe a woman or a minority could open a super hero movie — and the reason I remember that time was because it was March of last year.»
«I remember a time when the major studios didn't believe a woman or a minority could open a super hero movie,» he quipped.
The film has no real climax and no sense of urgency, in fact for a super hero movie it really is quite dull, and at times excruciatingly painful.
This truly is the year of the Super Hero movie and Hollywood finally has the formula down where 8 out of 10 times they get the genre right.
One of last year's super hero movies that I liked quite a lot was X-Men: Days of Future Past.
I'm sick and tired of these «unconventional» (read as: crass, schlub, drunk, meta, etc.) super hero movies being hailed as amazing as if they're the first to do it or «we have never seen anything like this».
This is a thinking person's super hero movie.
SEE THIS MOVIE IF: you want to see the most Academy Award nominees ever assembled for a super hero movie OR you just want to have fun watching a big old summertime blockbuster with comedy, action and colorful characters
It's a by the numbers heist film disguised as a Super Hero movie.
David: Yet another super hero movie from Disney / Marvel is here, but this one is a bit different in that its cast is almost exclusively African - American.
Yet another super hero movie from Disney / Marvel is here, but this one is a bit different in that its cast is almost exclusively African - American.
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