Sentences with phrase «super humans»

Much easier and less cumbersome than using super human strength to remove people from our sofas.
He thought he was nothing more than an ordinary man, but discovers that he is in fact a man with super human abilities, a superhero if you will.
When you read the news you get the impression there are all these successful entrepreneurs out there that have super human powers.
Our team of super humans work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure that all of our members are genuine.
Features Features new and original movement system - Built from the ground up that empowers the player with super human movement abilities with next to no motion sickness.
Nearly 20 years later, I'm a health disaster, despite super human effort on my part.
We need to treat veterans as individuals and human beings, not super humans or victims.
Our team of super humans work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure.
Throughout the film you will be given stories and evidence of what these personalities can do in the human brain, concluding that all of these personalities can merge into one super human being.
A new era in fashion and accessories is emerging which will create super human clothing and more connected and emotional experiences through our technology.
Battle of Z values style over substance, but for an anime about super humans fighting super aliens while flying through the air, maybe it is the appropriate direction.
A woman's sense of smell is nearly super human when she is pregnant.
Still, it is interesting to realize that benchmark essays are prepared by human beings, not by super humans.
You can even make use of objects around the arena to pull off some extreme super human moves.
I never thought I would be so excited about a trash can but I would feel super human if I owned a simple human!
And very funny that you learned nothing except that your mom has super human strength.
Not only do we have super humans fighting the war on scammers, we also use advanced anti scam software.
It's time that we put an end to the idealized notion that successful entrepreneurs are super humans who don't need to eat, sleep, relax or have a little fun once in awhile.
Set in the USA circa 1959, Circle stars The Utopian, Lady Liberty and other first generation super humans in -LSB-...]
Women moving women backwards lacking insight and depth who are insecure and who somehow in 2013, still feel compelled to compete with men in the workplace and to prove themselves at super human levels - i.e. 2 week mat leave.
He believed in them, and then willed them to super human feats of product development and programming.
I tend to think of Nobel Laureates as super humans so having learned about their struggles, both in their scientific work and in their lives, I was put in perspective.
If you want to build super human shoulder strength then the crucifix rollout is definitely one of the best bodyweight exercises to achieve your goal.
So it should come as no surprise that the brand has taken a shine to tapping ball - playing super humans to promote its macho - smelling soap products.
an almost super human level of muscular endurance and it has the added benefit of working many other upper body muscles as well as providing the spine with a gentle stretch.
The bodyweight lateral rollout is a hardcore deltoid exercise that can build almost super human shoulder strength when mastered.
Look at North Korea, they're supposed to be atheist and yet they worship a man that supposedly hit like 8 holes in one the first time he played golf, and among other things did super human feats that he clearly could not.
They don't want to see me (let alone my partner) as human; we must be all things super human, a glimpse and hope for the Übermensch.
However getting back to virtual reality, of course, you are still in the animus and are continuing on from the first game and Desmond is still training to become the incredible James Bond super human character as before.
I think that counts for super human status
Nice line - up, I'd prefer that 3 back line all day, except it will be Gabriel for mustafi, that's grit, steel, aggression and intelligence at our back line, but imagine monreal as a CB when we have Gabriel, holding, I don't understand wenger Mustafi goes into tackles headlessly The front line and midfield is also super human, just dat Ozil is a pussy against aggressive and big teams, I'll prefer ox or Wilshere or mahrez....
Unnecessary - baby food maker, books about raising super humans (I was too tired to read), diaper bag (I used a fashionable tote), anything that warms anything, wipes, bottles etc., activity centers (seriously put them on a blanket and give them a toy).»
Super HUMAN snacks have been developed to be best - selling products in the HUMAN system and meet or exceed new Federal USDA Smart Snacks In School Rules (this is BIG for your school accounts)
Basically, the same brain circuits that make for super human intelligence in our frontal lobes (allowing decision making, problem solving, and planning) also produce worry.
I recommend using straps (preferable Versa Gripps) for this training approach, unless you have super human grip.
Super Human Radio interviews Dr. Erica Forzani about the importance of tracking your metabolic rate.
I have found that the clients whom I have trained using only their body weight, develop cosmetically appealing muscle tone, strong muscles with built in power boosts and super human muscle endurance.
The minute someone starts talking about nutrition or weight loss, my ears go into super human radar mode...)
She's birthed with some of the best genes out there as well as a couple of super human capabilities that are never really explained.
At its heart, this story concerns the remarkable survival — not of an athletic super human, but of a modest, overweight, chain - smoking drunkard.
It was a universe - altering whirlwind of revenge and destruction that played on the notion of uncontrollable super humans.
We Shall Wake will most likely hold the title of the best third - person action combat game to ever exist as it nears high - speed gameplay perfection, crazy super human powers and an in - depth combat customization system.
New and Original Movement System - Built from the ground up that empowers the player with super human movement abilities with next to no motion sickness.
First up is Super human co-op mode which is an augmented version of the standard co-op mode but aimed at the more hardcore of players.
Improved with cybernetic gear granting him even greater super human abilities, ranging from speedy ninja running, missile hopping and the gruesome but deliciously fun time - slowing slicing action.
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