Sentences with word «supercluster»

But rather than filling in the terra incognita of our planet, he's plotting the lay of the cosmic land, sketching oceans of empty space and the shorelines of vast superclusters of galaxies.
This polish is called Virgo Supercluster, and I'm wearing it at three coats without top coat.
A graphic representation maps the local superclusters of galaxies in our universe, but also something else: vast tracts where few galaxies exist, called voids.
Current theory predicts that dark energy would slightly heat the CMB radiation passing through dense regions of galaxies called superclusters, each about a half - billion light - years across.
«I could stride across the Local Supercluster in a few steps.
These are the two main clusters in the Coma supercluster.
The 2018 Budget reaffirmed this commitment, with one of the five innovation superclusters focusing on artificial intelligence - powered supply chains that would... [more]
The Laniakea Supercluster basin of attraction that includes our Milky Way galaxy is represented by a blue surface.
The panel ruled against Canada's objection that it look at four programs, including Ottawa's supercluster plan, that were not included in its original complaint.
Tremblay's team discovered the bizarre string of stellar superclusters by chance, while reviewing images as they came in from Hubble.
Galaxies clump together into clusters, which in turn form superclusters.
Then galaxies would be drawn into clusters and clusters into superclusters by their mutual gravity.
The Milky Way galaxy is currently racing through space at about 2 million km / h on a journey towards the Shapley Supercluster.
The 2018 Budget reaffirmed this commitment, with one of the five innovation superclusters focusing on artificial intelligence - powered supply chains that would create jobs and develop research to improve standard of living.
Ottawa's big bet on government - designated superclusters was designed to encourage academia, not - for - profit organizations and companies of all sizes to work together on strategies to boost high - growth sectors.
Four organizations in Canada's blockchain tech sector are going all out this week to submit their application letter to the federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) before the July 21 deadline to be considered for funding under the government's new Innovation Superclusters Initiative.
The dense spots are what gave rise to structure in the universe, from superclusters of galaxies down to stars and planets.
This unexpected and still unexplained motion might result from the pull of vast superclusters or walls of galaxies — the biggest known structures in the universe.
(They were also able to determine that the Perseus - Pisces supercluster, first identified in 1977, borders Laniakea.)
That project allowed them to conclude that the Vela Supercluster is real, and that it extends 20 by 25 degrees across the sky.
Because mass attracts mass through gravity, clusters and superclusters grow larger over time.
The galaxies clump together into clusters and the galaxy clusters gather together into huge string - like superclusters with big gaps (voids) in between.
Neutrinos have such a small mass that they move too quickly to form the galaxy cluster and supercluster structures we see -LRB-... their masses are too wimpy to be WIMPs).
However, this particular supercluster arrangement has never been seen before in giant merging elliptical galaxies,» said Grant Tremblay of the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany.
Linda Hasenfratz, CEO of automotive parts maker Linamar Corp. (TSX: LNR), is participating in the advanced manufacturing supercluster.
Later this week, digital transformation company Tech Mahindra, will announce a new partnership with Canada's superclusters initiative.
For all the talk of fostering superclusters and creating new companies, it should be noted that there's very little in the way of new financial resources to back that up in the budget — despite the big deficits.
Just this past December McKinsey produced a primer — no doubt required reading at Innovation Canada — on how to spur the region between Toronto and Waterloo to «global technology supercluster status» like, you guessed it, Silicon Valley, but also Berlin and Tel Aviv.
Pfizer made the point two years ago that the reorganization had been completed after it downsized in Connecticut and moved more of its operations into the Cambridge / Boston supercluster.
A technology and innovation supercluster anchored in the Toronto - Waterloo corridor would spark Canadian innovation, attract talent and capital from around the world and turbocharge economic growth...
Of the government's five superclusters announced last month, financial services was a noteworthy gap.
In the resulting maps, previously hazy boundaries between superclusters suddenly grow sharp, delineated by swarms of galaxies confined to gargantuan gravitational basins.
Massive, foreground objects like galaxy superclusters warp light rays from background objects, similar to a magnifying glass or fun house mirror.
The star necklace will lose its shape in about 10 million years as each of the 19 stellar superclusters follows a different orbit, Tremblay said.
Moreover, earlier galaxy surveys suggested that superclusters do not grow larger on ever grander scales, but top out at some maximum size and mass.
Galaxies are not strewn randomly across the heavens, but hang together in gigantic superclusters that typically measure a mind - bending 200 million light - years across.
According to Peebles, given the right kind of irregularities in the early Universe, gravity could explain both the observed structure, and the order in which it has formed (galaxies before clusters before superclusters).
But in 1998, investigators discovered evidence of far older supercluster stars that could not have formed at the same time.
Once might postulate the existence of such antimatter superclusters, but then one would be faced with the problem of coming up with a mechanism that, shortly after the big bang, would have separated these now - gigantic clumps of antimatter from the neighboring clumps of mater.
Clusters of galaxies make up enormous superclusters, which alternate in space with immense voids.
Astronomers have found evidence of dark energy among galactic superclusters (red circles) as well as vast supervoids of space (blue circles).
At over 650 million light years across, the Saraswati supercluster of galaxies is one of the largest structures in the universe.
The video then shows how cosmic flows are organized within its structure, and how the basin of attraction of the recently mapped Laniakea Supercluster resides within its elements.
Huge dark matter clumps the size of superclusters gather together under the action of gravity into a network of filaments.
In 1986 a group of astronomers observing the motions of the Milky Way and neighbouring galaxies noted that the galaxies were moving toward the Hydra - Centaurus superclusters in the southern sky with velocities significantly different from those predicted by the expansion of the universe in accordance with the Hubble law (see Hubble's constant).
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