Sentences with word «supercolony»

On an expedition to an icy island chain off the Antarctic Peninsula's northern tip, researchers discovered a massive supercolony of more than 1.5 million Adélie penguins, according to a study published March 2 in Scientific Reports.
EVERY PENGUIN COUNTS Researchers did a preliminary head count of Adélie penguins in the newly discovered supercolony, and then spent about a year analyzing drone footage such as this to get a better count of penguins nesting in the area.
Living in supercolonies that cooperate, they have devastated all manner of insects on several continents.
«If you take Argentine ants from some other supercolony, they will fight very aggressively.»
The tiny Argentine ant forms supercolonies that overpower and eliminate native ant species, even though many native ants are much larger.
A 2009 paper in Insectes Sociaux found that Argentine ants from California, Europe and Japan formed a global supercolony.
On a small Australian island in the Indian Ocean, supercolonies of yellow crazy ants are causing what one biologist refers to as a «meltdown» of the native ecosystem.
Highly adaptable street toughs These supercolonies, however, are only one aspect of L. humile's success.
Within just a few years of their arrival the six - legged stowaways formed a single, massive colony — known as a supercolony — that stretched through California from south of the Mexico border to San Francisco
Their numbers are too large, and their supercolony spans too broad of an area.
Scientists have discovered a «supercolony» of Adélie penguins in Antarctica's remote Danger Islands, raising hopes that the bird's population isn't declining as rapidly as previously thought.
In other words, we have a supercolony thriving under exactly the conditions that alarmist ecologists are telling us will prove disastrous for the penguins because climate change.
Researchers in Antarctica have discovered a supercolony of 1.5 million Adélie penguins whose existence was previously unknown to biologists.
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