Sentences with phrase «supercooled water freezes»

Ice crystals can also grow when supercooled water freezes directly onto the crystal to form rime.
rime ice A coating of tiny, opaque ice crystals formed when supercooled water freezes rapidly on contact with an object.

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Supercooled water droplets in a cloud can remain liquid at temperatures far below freezing, their surface tension preventing solid crystals from forming.
The extremely low temperatures and rapid freezing were crucial to forming cubic ice, Wyslouzil said: «Since liquid water drops in high - altitude clouds are typically supercooled, there is a good chance for cubic ice to form there.»
In winter the observers didn't use the anemometer, an instrument for measuring wind speed, for fear it would be damaged by the supercooled water droplets that froze to everything, leaving the observatory caked in windblown ice.
Without the presence of these impurities, however, the water can be supercooled past its freezing point.
Water also refreezes when it is forced up valley walls, experiencing a rapid change in pressure that triggers a freezing process known as «supercooling
Supercooled water - below freezing but still a liquid - is notoriously difficult to study.
It is possible to keep the ice from freezing (supercooled), if you use distilled water and are very careful about the container and not jiggling it, etc..
Eventually, when a temperature of about -10 °C is reached, the water droplets of the cloud (which are by then supercooled) begin to freeze and become ice crystals.
Contact and freezing nuclei, in contrast, are associated with the conversion of supercooled water to ice.
Freezing nuclei are absorbed into the liquid water and convert the supercooled water to ice from the inside out.
In the absence of any ice nuclei, the freezing of supercooled water droplets of a few micrometres in radius, in a process called homogeneous ice nucleation, requires temperatures at or lower than − 39 °C (− 38 °F).
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