Sentences with phrase «superior biceps muscle»

They report that despite similar absolute loads between medium and narrow grips, superior biceps muscle activity was produced by the medium grip in the concentric portion only.

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One - arm concentration curls were Arnold's go - to move for isolating the biceps and inducing a superior pump, as they are one of the most effective exercises for targeting the outer head of the biceps and peaking the muscle.
While the biceps muscle activity was superior during the initial 1/3 of the movement when performing the preacher curl, muscle activity declined in both the 2/3 and 3/3 of the movement.
Therefore, the data appears to indicate that medium and narrow grip pronated and supinated pull - downs produce similar muscle activity in the biceps, while the chin - up appears to produce superior muscle activity to the pull - up.
The most frequent supernumerary biceps muscle bellies originated from the humerus at the level of the coracobrachialis insertion, and inserting on the biceps muscle belly, tendon or bicipital aponeurosis, while other origin and insertions were much less frequent, originating more superior on the humeral head, or laterally from the intermuscular septum.
They report that inverted rows performed from a barbell (77 %) produced statistically superior muscle activity in the biceps compared with the suspension trainer (67 %) variation.
They reported that biceps muscle activity showed a trend towards superior muscle activity during the counter-movement bench press in the pre-sticking region, however the data did not reach statistical significance.
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