Sentences with word «superrich»

So it will be a car for superrich pseudoracers, being completely overwhelmed by it and for speculators want making money out of it.
The story of Cuomo's involvement with superrich real estate developers goes back to the early 1990s, when he was secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Another top Trump adviser, Kellyanne Conway, is wealthy as well, but modestly so when compared with Mr. Cohn and some of her other superrich colleagues.
Another top Trump adviser, Kellyanne Conway, is wealthy as well, but modestly so when compared with Mr. Cohn and some of her other superrich colleagues.
And people like Al Gore are happy they can go skiing in may while getting superrich with global warming tax and getting away with it.
Set inside a giant tent on the grounds of a Mexican Army compound, amid sweaty Lanvin suits, wilting gowns, tequila - flushed faces and unbuttoned egos (not to mention the celebrity photo wall, a semi-grand classical orchestra in whiteface and copious refreshment), what the New York Post later pumped as a titanic «clash» took place between two Amex Black Card - carrying members of the global superrich.
The mass of voters, particularly misguided working class Tory voters standing to lose around # 1,3000 a year from the changes, will hopefully have had an epiphany ideologically as to the true nature of the Tories and their pro superrich political agenda.
There's nothing between these post-human superrich people and the Street, with a capital S. Nobody's ever more than one door away from the Street.
It parodies the outlandish lifestyles of the supersized superrich contrasted with that of the destitute, tiny ultrapoor.»
US oil exploration companies have flocked to the superrich Permian Basin in recent years and used shale - drilling technology to create an oil boom that simultaneously helped trigger a price crash two years ago.
Singapore is forecast to become the largest cross-border financial center in the world by 2028 as it courts the superrich.
As a result, economists and other analysts say, a 30 - year period in which the superrich became both wealthier and more numerous may now be ending.
Back in 1999 this magazine profile Despont, the «eminence of excess,» an architect who specializes in designing houses for the superrich.
Fresh mole, A&B Coffee Imported from Mexico, the superrich moles (from $ 6 for 1 lb.)
Cuomo is on the payroll of the superrich.
We need to look again at higher taxation of the superrich.
Yet the superrich households are the right place to begin to get our public finances back in order.
The superrich households have also enjoyed repeated tax cuts during the past 30 years.
Luckily for the superrich (some of you, probably) and anyone who loves to gawk at them (me), plenty of replica oakley sunglasses online retailers are trying to provide an answer to the question of what you give to someone who already has everything.
Unfortunately, for all of the noise Prof. Greene makes about proper academic standards, he simply stoops to waving the red flag of anti-communism when he concludes by suggesting that our assertion, «the only reason the superrich have these massive billions, and hence a major voice in policy, is because of unfair tax laws that allow them to keep the vast wealth their employees have created,» reveals us as, uh oh, Marxists!
For example, they dismiss the legitimacy of billionaire - backed reforms because «the only reason the superrich have these massive billions, and hence a major voice in policy, is because of unfair tax laws that allow them to keep the vast wealth their employees have created.»
To the superrich elite who buy cars like these - of whom, many are older gentlemen - such things still matter.
Seriously, leave these cars to superrich (of whom very few drive cars like this, trust me, I know, unless they are playboys / got - rich - quick young punks / rappers / sheiks / kids of rich men), aim lower (again, no offence) and buy an honest NA car like MX - 5 and wring it out till it throws a rod, that will be experience to cherish, not this «I would prefer this supercar over this... in my next life», that sounds very teenage - like.
Consequently, you get a superrich part of mixture together with just air in the cylinder.
Speaking of mega-successful novelists, Stephen King (whose latest Dark Tower novel went on sale last week) has written a passionate, explicit and — yes — amusing scolding of the superrich in America.
But while the superrich visit this paradise by megayacht and expensive hotel suites, the savviest traveler knows that the best way to chill out on St. Barts is to book a private villa.»
The REAL answer for them, of course, is «Whatever would be best for multinationals and the superrich is the best climate».
A segment of the large law firm cohort — the superrich law firms — thrive.
You can't market effectively to the ultrawealthy in the United States without first knowing how long they've been wealthy and where their money came from, says the author of a report on the superrich.
Then there's B.J. Adams, who believes in standing out — not an easy thing to do in the superrich environs of Snowmass, Colo..
If history repeats, Zell just might find his next great distressed real estate bargains in the palatial homes of the (once) superrich — dazzling jewels of the «new» gilded age now past its prime.
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