Sentences with phrase «supplemental exercises»

Because these dogs are intelligent and hard - working they generally do well in dog sports — these sports can be a great source of supplemental exercise as well as mental stimulation.
Often times many athletes are afraid to take a step away from their primary movements and work on supplemental exercises for fear of losing their strength.
The following exercises can be used as supplemental exercises on a squat / deadlift day.
These are great supplemental exercises on training days for squats, dead lifts, hang cleans, or even as a stand alone exercise.
Next I had the guys doing 2 Supplemental Exercises which we supersetted; which were the Rope Climb and the Ring Push - up.
Pedagogically this instruction could occur through labs, online or in the classroom with supplemental exercises for students to complete at home.
As we mentioned before, it's best that you build your workout around big and heavy movements in the range of 4 - 6 reps, and then add some supplemental exercise, performed with lighter weights and higher reps.
Supplemental exercises.
The main focus of my workouts became: Bottoms - Up kettlebell presses, plate curls, plate wrist curls and levering - and the more traditional strength movements (like squats and deadlifts) became my supplemental exercises.
It depends on how much time you put into the supplemental exercises and research assignments.
This workshop is designed to help facilitators learn how to administer PREPARE / ENRICH and provide feedback to premarital and married couples using six core and over 20 supplemental exercises.
This acts as a supplemental exercise to your counseling sessions, and it can improve the impact of your therapy as a whole.
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