Sentences with phrase «support certain languages»

The problem is that in order to support certain languages, especially in PDF export, we need to include fonts for that language.

Not exact matches

«Your preschooler's language skills are developing rapidly, and she's becoming increasingly aware that certain words can elicit reactions from others,» says Debbie Glasser Schenck, the director of Family Support Services at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla..
The Department of Education introduced the funding formula almost a decade ago to dole out resources not simply based on a school's student body size, but also accounting for extra resources needed to support certain kinds of students, like English language learners and students with special needs.
Children must understand how language links with symbols because children sometimes understand that there are a whole number of words that they should say when they see a certain symbol but they don't know how to construct the mathematical words — i.e when adding and using the word «more» — when thinking about a context of I've got three «more than» Jane and she's got 8» — mathematical images supporting understanding.
Among the ideas is using games and technology simulations to support teachers and family, and tracking progress in certain vulnerable student populations such as kids with disabilities or those who are learning English as a second language.
While much of the ensuing discussion rightly only focuses on certain areas of Title I funding (required by the law on assessment issues) and language on whether to supplement or supplant funding, NAESP is working in tandem with these efforts to influence the USED's actions on Title II funding related to comprehensive state and local support for principals.
As many users have encountered, there are certain Sprint BlackBerry users who have updated to OS 4.5 and lost language support for Arabic, Hebrew, Russian and Japanese.
UPDATE: Microsoft have refuted this story, though it's possible that only certain languages may be supported at launch.
«This diverse lineup of panels — from challenging how we position ourselves in a globalized world, to how critical language itself has adapted in the 21st century to support current movements — examines how certain histories are being rewritten through a series of discussions that span design, architecture, geographical differences in curating, and the potential socio - political implications of collecting art, among other prevalent topics.»
* Certain features are currently limited to EN - US, with more market and language support coming in future updates.
Also of note is some of the language Motorola uses with certain devices, whose Oreo updates are «pending partner support
If you're not certain how to build a resume, you can use our application support analyst resume sample as an example of strong, action - driven language perfect for a great resume.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z