Sentences with phrase «support of this argument»

One of the book's most persuasive features is the wide range of research examples offered in support of each argument.
Without the sufficient support of your arguments with reliable data, you will not be able to create a good, convincing, and powerful paper!
Evidence in support of this argument arrived in March as Amazon introduced the Alexa Skills Kit for France.
My recent article in the American Journal of Family Therapy, «Arguments for an Equal Parental Responsibility Presumption in Contested Child Custody,» outlines sixteen distinct arguments in support of a shared parental responsibility presumption in contested child custody, which are presented from a child - focused perspective, with clinical and empirical evidence in support of each argument contrasted to the conflicting evidence.
And of course there is the price factor in it as well in support of this argument as perhaps it makes better sense to go for a compact adaptation of an e-reader that costs a few hundred dollars less rather than to buy the Kindle DX with a bigger 9.7 - inch sized screen that will set one back by about $ 500.
«Your lawyer Kyla Lee has provided copies of several court decisions in support of her argument [that] because [the officer] had you provide a breath sample immediately after stopping your vehicle, although he was aware that it contained an open bottle of liquor, I can not be satisfied that the ASD «FAIL» was accurate.
TMT sought to rely upon these representations in support of its arguments on estoppel and remoteness.
Evidence in support of this argument arrived in March as Amazon introduced the Alexa Skills Kit for France.
Shortly after Foer's article appeared, Norman Podhoretz, whom Foer had cited in support of his argument, published an essay in National Review on Jewish attitudes toward religious conservatives.
«In support of this argument, the States have offered evidence of numerous statements by the President about his intent to implement a «Muslim ban» as well as evidence they claim suggests that the Executive Order was intended to be that ban, including sections 5 (b) and 5 (e) of the Order,» the judges continued.
It does not affirm a God whose existence is problematic, so that belief requires the support of arguments whose foundations are vulnerable to scientific advance.
In support of the argument that at least sometimes sexual orientation is a condition of birth, Bruni describes how «One landmark study looked at gay men's brothers and found that 52 % of identical twin brothers were also gay.»
In support of this argument I will also forward an explanation of why such a shift occurred, and what such a shift might imply in terms of Whiteheadian metaphysics.
Bill Cash MP has assembled a variety of powerful backbench voices in support of his argument that «the terms of reference of the Leveson inquiry must be extended to the whole media, including sound, visual and social media and include blagging and other unethical or illegal practices and not confined to «phone hacking».»
Critical thinking «involves students learning to recognise or develop an argument, use evidence in support of that argument, draw reasoned conclusions, and use information to solve problems,» (ACARA, 2016).
In support of this argument, consider the popularity of higher trim levels among customers of the new, 2017 Ford Super Duty; 71 percent of buyers in November opted for premium models, including the Lariat, King Ranch, and Platinum.
You will reexamine what it means to be successful, how you will seek and achieve personal satisfaction, and what you owe your fellow citizen... Despite the vagueness of the egalitarian future they envision, and the sometime less - than - persuasive data in support of their arguments, Wilson and Pickett leave the reader to grapple with a powerful and disconcerting idea (Reviewed by Jo Perry).
Despite the vagueness of the egalitarian future they envision, and the sometime less - than - persuasive data in support of their arguments, Wilkinson and Pickett leave the reader to grapple with a powerful and disconcerting idea:
In support of this argument I cite the recent experiences of activist investors in Japan, and Bildersee, Cheh and Zutshi's The performance of Japanese common stocks in relation to -LSB-...]
In support of this argument I cite the recent experiences of activist investors in Japan, and Bildersee, Cheh and Zutshi's The performance of Japanese common stocks in relation to their net current asset values (yes, it supports both sides of the argument).
In support of this argument I cite generally Graham's experience, Oppenheimer's Ben Graham's Net Current Asset Values: A Performance Update paper, Testing Ben Graham's Net Current Asset Value Strategy in London, a paper from the business school of the University of Salford in the UK, and, more specifically, Bildersee, Cheh and Zutshi's The performance of Japanese common stocks in relation to their net current asset values, James Montier's Graham» s net - nets: outdated or outstanding?
In support of this argument I cite generally Graham's experience, Oppenheimer's Ben Graham's Net Current Asset Values: A Performance Update paper, Testing Ben Graham's Net Current Asset Value Strategy in London, a paper from the business -LSB-...]
Mr. Bloomberg's staff cited research by Gilbert E. Metcalf, a Tufts University economist who is on leave to work with the National Bureau of Economic Research, and Kenneth P. Green, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, in support of that argument.
The court or the other party to the divorce may request an expert witness, or you may seek the services of an expert witness to provide conclusive evidence in support of your argument.
In support of this argument the defence lawyer cited Mustapha v. Culligan of Canada Ltd..
In support of its argument, Nite Moves relied on the expert testimony of cultural anthropologist who
Judicata's statistics bear out what all lawyers already know as a matter of common sense: Briefs with strong arguments and strong cases in support of those arguments will fare better than briefs with weaker arguments or that rely on more vulnerable cases.
In support of this argument, the defendant pointed out that these limits had been approved by the planning inspector in 1998 in an inquiry in which evidence was called by both sides.
The attorney, Eric Clingan, provided Judge Williams with «a grammatical analysis» by a professor of English at George Mason University in support of his argument.
In support of his argument, Prof. Blecker relies on conversations with death penalty prisoners over the last 10 - plus
In support of his argument, Prof. Blecker relies on conversations with death penalty prisoners over the last 10 - plus years.
Further, it had erred in taking into account a suggestion that there might have been alternative claims available of failing to make reasonable adjustments or indirect discrimination, in support of the argument that the treatment was unfavourable, and in its approach to the defence of proportionality.
78 In support of its argument that a complete failure to mitigate should lead to a dismissal of a plaintiff's claim, Yellow Pages cites our Court of Appeal's decision in Deputat v Edmonton School District No 7, 2008 ABCA 13 («Deputat «-RRB-.
Should the case go to trial, our attorneys will continue to fight on behalf of clients to ensure that their side of the story and all relevant facts in support of their argument are conveyed to the court.
In support of her argument, she pointed to the fees that the vendors had to pay to sell their goods at the Fair.
In support of this argument the Defendant introduced two years of photos taken from the Plaintiff's Facebook profile.
The Defendants wished to highlight certain elements of the Plaintiff's finances in support of an argument that «such information is relevant in assessing the quantum of damages for future wage loss because that information provides the context within which the jury must determine whether the plaintiff would have worked full - time in the future if the injuries sustained in the accident had not occurred.»
In support of his argument, the appellant submitted a statement from a professor of English, who said:
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