Sentences with phrase «support the provision because»

Quinn said she could not support that provision because it wasn't fair to burden tenants when they didn't receive perks.
While law enforcement agencies generally support the provision because it creates uniformity, the law's strict and personal penalties are unique to Florida.

Not exact matches

An initially livery cab bill was approved by lawmakers but has subsequently lost support because of a lack of provisions for the disabled.
Reed Brody, legal counsel for campaign group Human Rights Watch, which is supporting Mr Kyere's campaign along with Trial International, says Ghana would be an ideal country for the trial because it has a strong justice system and provisions to prosecute people for the «enforced disappearance» of Ghanaian citizens anywhere in the world.
He argued that the lawmakers, who voted against the provision, did so because their constituents did not instruct them to support it during the public hearings.
The pledge indicates the signer's support for all ten points of the failed Women's Equality Act, which Cuomo's erstwhile Senate Republican allies opposed because of a provision that would bring state law on abortion in line with federal law.
Because of that, in 2009, Rep John Benson, a former Edina teacher union leader along with strong support from Mpls district union leaders Louise Sundin and Lynn Nordgren sponsored legislation that enabled districts to access the same flexibility and autonomy provisions of chartering without actually chartering a school.
What local government does is co-ordinate the provision of education, and it provides extra support for some of the children who need it most, because they have special educational needs or are in care.
His support was somewhat confusing, though, because the union's contracts have long included provisions for evaluating teachers, including requiring twice - yearly evaluations for new teachers.
Far from it, we took inspectors to visit our hair and beauty and motor mechanics provision, as well as our link alternative provision and learning support area, because we are deeply proud of all these aspects of our school.
At the secondary school level, seven in 10 (70 %) school leaders raised concerns about their funding and budget for SEND provision, and more than eight in 10 (81 %) experienced diminished SEND support because of cuts to their LA.
The Education Corps is designed to provide tutoring and after - school support but not necessarily to train future teachers.92 The VISTA program matches corps members with a nonprofit organization to perform capacity building and provides yearlong stipends, but it is not intended for provision of direct services.93 The Professional Corps, which specifies teaching as one of its qualified positions, allows participants to access Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards — which recipients can use either for loan forgiveness or for paying tuition and other qualifying educational expenses — but increases residency program costs because residents are prohibited from receiving stipends through AmeriCorps and must therefore be paid through their program or the school district.94 None of these programs were designed for supported entry specifically; thus, programs dedicated to providing a gradual on - ramp to the teaching profession can sometimes find it hard to meet their definitions and requirements.
Others would not support the bill because of one — albeit major — provision: how to compensate people and businesses with solar and other renewable or clean energy systems for the excess power they produce and put into the electric grid during certain times of the day.
In the end, just about everyone was unhappy and it split both the environmental advocacy community and the state's solar industry, with some willing to support the bill because of its many other provisions while at the same time acknowledging its flaws.
In their view, even striking down the bawdy - house provision and amending the one on living off the avails wouldn't fully protect all sex - trade workers since many of them «will stay on the streets because of coercion, insufficient resources or lack of support networks.
He sought to reopen the alimony provision because even though the distribution of Husband's Social Security benefits were fashioned as «equitable distribution,» they were designed to provide ongoing support for Wife.
This, however, had no immediate impact upon Southwark's provision of accommodation because the support restrictions imposed upon failed asylum seekers by Sch 3 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (NIAA 2002) do not apply to children.
The federal Crown, supported by the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General as an intervener, argued there was no need to obtain an «intercept» warrant under the more rigorous Part VI provisions of the Criminal Code, in part because Telus routinely stores electronic copies of all text messages sent by its customers on a database for 30 days.
The wife alleges that the trial judge erred in upholding the cohabitation agreement because the release of support does not meet the provisions of the Divorce Act R.S.C., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.).
He added at para. 42 that the appellant was «mistaken in thinking that it had an unfettered right to terminate Mr. Mohamed's contract» because the case law supported the respondent's understanding that «there was some element of good faith or trust in the exercise of the provision».
The commenter supported our proposed provision because it establishes flexibility for State - based SHOPs to establish their own effective dates during the initial and annual open enrollment periods, including mid-month effective dates.
Michigan makes it hard for non-custodial parents to fall behind in their child support obligations because most child support orders include mandatory income withholding provisions.
That's an ongoing issue, I know there are a lot of hurt people because they still feel there's not enough provision of services or support out there.
Consideration of teacher — student relationships as a core aspect of the teaching profession and provision of adequate professional support for teachers to enhance their relational pedagogy will contribute to educational outcomes because good relationships between teachers and students are central to learning and instruction (Martin and Dowson 2009; Roorda et al. 2011).
It has developed because the level of interest in, and provision of, parenting education in Oxford was such that providers saw the need for coordination and support.
Similarly, local authorities have undertaken LDAs for young people either because they had a statement at school or because, in the opinion of the local authority, they are likely to need additional support as part of their further education or training and would benefit from a LDA to identify their learning needs and the provision required to meet those needs.
In line with local authorities» duty to arrange suitable education as set out above, children and young people who are in hospital or placed in other forms of alternative provision because of their health needs should have access to education that is on a par with that of mainstream provision, including appropriate support to meet the needs of those with SEN.
Because previous studies do not provide a basis for making empirically - based predictions about the relative predictive power of the more distal and dispositional empathy measures in contrast to the more proximal and situational ones, we left it up to the data to educate us about the differential impact of dispositional and situational forms of empathy on spousal support provision (Research Question 1).
Another possibility is that it is difficult to find effects of genuine empathic responding on support motivation and provision in a laboratory interaction paradigm because the task demands to provide support are high for both partners.
In contrast, self - report studies may be more likely to reveal empathy effects because they typically solicit ratings of global support provision in a format in which perceived demand characteristics are lower.
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