Sentences with phrase «support varies from state to state»

Court rules for calculating child support vary from state to state.

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From creating a state - of - the - art office to seeking tools that support growth, a company's reason for investing in smart technology varies.
Support for the legalisation of same - sex marriage varied between states, ranging from 57.8 per cent in New South Wales to 74 per cent in the Australian Capital Territory.
It's worth noting that how school lunch rules are applied varies from state to state, and also the budgetary support from state government or lack of it may be a factor.
Today, although overall the level of technology support in U.S. schools has improved dramatically, it's clear that technology resources — both technical and practical — still vary greatly from state to state and from district to district.
This certainly seemed to be the case in the initial phase of the Common Core State Standards, when the idea of «fewer, clearer, and higher» standards that were consistent across states was supported by an unprecedented coalition of business, civil rights, government, and labor groups (see McDonnell and Weatherford's (2013) article «Evidence Use and the Common Core State Standards Movement: From Problem Definition to Policy Adoption» in the American Journal of Education for a detailed explanation of the varying reasons why so many different groups initially supported the Common Core).
Just like driving laws, drivers education and traffic school programs vary from state to state, so if you have a question about your state, please give our customer support team a call!
United States Marine Corps (Quantico, VA) 06/1991 — 10/2011 Gunnery Sergeant, Retired • Provide 20 years of honorable service in varied leadership positions within the USMC • Recipient of the Bronze Star for service in Iraq and a two - time recipient of the Navy / Marine Corps Achievement Medal • SNCOIC (Staff Noncommissioned Officer in Charge) at the Marine Corps Network Operations and Security Center • Deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from August 2005 to February 2006 • Assist a Military Transition Team with Iraqi Army's 1st Division 2nd Brigade Headquarters in the training of Iraqi forces • Serve as the Brigade G1 (Admin) Advisor and G4 (Logistics) / Motor Transport Advisor responsible for training high ranking Iraqi Officers (O6 / General Officers) in effective administration, IT, logistics, and other vital operational functions • Additional assignments included Headquarters and Service Company, 8th Tank Battalion, Delta Company 4th Light Armor Reconnaissance Battalion, Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned, and Special Purpose MAGTF for Experiential Operations, Marine Corps Warfighting Lab
State laws govern divorce and all issues pertaining to divorce, including child custody and support, so laws can vary from state to sState laws govern divorce and all issues pertaining to divorce, including child custody and support, so laws can vary from state to sstate to statestate.
While each of the 50 states is under a federal mandate to enforce specific child support guidelines, these guidelines can vary widely from state to...
In addition to retroactive child support and unpaid current support, arrears can include add - ons that vary from state to state.
In Funk v. Funk, the Superior Court stated, «We recognize that the child rearing expenses in a shared custody setting vary from those in the sole custody setting, and, consequently, the formula for shared custody support determinations will not be identical to that envisioned in Melzer, supra.
Although child support laws vary from state to state, arrears tend to be dealt with in a similar manner across the board.
Divorce laws vary from state to state and divorce proceedings include matters of spousal support, child custody, child support, distribution of property and division of debt as well.
Divorce laws vary by state and can affect everything from your financial support to custody of your children.
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