Sentences with phrase «support whale hunting»

The seals are disappearing, and the ice is too thin to support whale hunting, and the polar bears are eating what's left of the whales.

Not exact matches

It also defeated a US bid to remove restrictions on bobcat pelts, as well as Japanese efforts to engineer support for dolphin and whale hunts.
At a hamlet on the southern end of Ellesmere called Grise Fiord, whose Inuit name means «the place that never thaws out,» the Inuit have watched the sea ice that supports their traditional seal, polar bear and whale hunting decrease every year.
A large white whale does make an appearance in «In the Heart of the Sea», but it's a supporting role, and Howard fails to establish any dramatic tension early between the hunters (the whalers) and the hunted (the whales) or later, the hunter (the whale) and the hunted (the whalers).
I tweeted earlier today about Japan's whaling fleet, which is setting a course for the Southern Ocean in the annual hunt (this year for close to 1,000 whales) that the country characterizes as scientific research, with any questions about cuts in government support still pending.
IF I were a whaling nation, I would say, «We TOTALLY support whale conservation, but we believe we should be allowed to hunt those species which have recovered to reasonable levels.
While the current government has sworn to go after bloated programs, there are some members of the ruling Democratic Party who still support the country's whale hunts.
The Chukchi Sea is also part of the seasonal migration route for Bowhead whales that supports subsistence hunting by local indigenous communities.
In fact, the public support for whale products in Norway has dropped so dramatically that last year that whalers ended the hunting season early due to a lack of demand.
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