Sentences with phrase «supported backbends»

By using the wheel to support your backbend, you're able to move into positions you might not feel comfortable trying without the added support along your spine or between your shoulder blades.
By doing this, you are creating the conditions to support the backbending action of the pose.

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The lift and support from the straps in backbends allow you to melt while being held up so that you can really open and release.
Creating a slight backbend, lean back as far as feels supported and comfortable on your body.
Supported Bridge also stretches the chest, neck, and spine and allows a gentle backbend.
It will prepare you for backbending asanas by reminding you to initiate movement and support from all of the core muscles, including the muscles in the belly, back, and legs.
Feel how your arms support and deepen the backbend.
During asana practice students are instructed to breathe in a way that supports the movement of the spine: usually inhaling during backbending movements, for example, and exhaling during forwardbending and twisting movements.
You can support either your hands or feet on a pair of blocks to help yourself realize the full backbend.
Avoid deep backbends especially if you feel a strain or a pull on the round ligaments that support the uterus or across the muscles in the abdomen.
Heart openers, also known as front extensions and more commonly referred to as backbends, support both psychological and physical health.
As a backbend, it opens the front body and supports the back body.
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