Sentences with phrase «supporting necessary reform»

A shared vision is one of promise that a credible, quantitative database will serve as the foundation supporting necessary reform initiatives and as a baseline from which to track progress.
A credible, quantitative database will serve as the foundation supporting necessary reform initiatives and a baseline from which to track progress.
Prospective teachers can also take part of the approach presented here to implement change and support the necessary reform in mathematics and science teaching over time, regardless of the degree of implementation of the middle school concept in their placement school.

Not exact matches

«We believe it critical for a listing exchange to ensure a high - quality displayed quote to reduce the cost of capital and share price volatility for its issuers, and in the absence of broader market structure reform, exchange - paid quoting incentives are a necessary mechanism in a highly fragmented US marketplace to support liquidity for listed companies,» Cunningham said in a letter to clients emailed to Business Insider.
HSBC fully welcomes and supports these reforms, including the move to Common Reporting in 2016 - 2018, and is already in the process of adopting all necessary measures to fulfil its obligations.
Reform is necessary if we want to move beyond supporting our media past while ignoring the future.
In the last months, the EU has not only delayed the decision on a 100 million Euro macro-financial assistance programme for Chisinau, but has also decided to cut a budget support programme for justice reforms and to postpone support programs in other four key areas, specifically citing Chisinau's «insufficient commitment» to necessary reforms.
Horner concludes: «Given the tremendous institutional power of the executive, the support of the state Assembly, and the apparent support among many Senators, the fate of meaningful campaign finance reform will hinge on whether the governor can round up the necessary Senate votes....
He called for cross-party support to make any necessary reforms of party funding laws, saying he was «ready to take all further measures».
«We have bi-partisan and strong support within the Legislature to implement the necessary reform, and I encourage our Senators and Assembly Members to support these reforms.
Now supporters of the rules change have ammo to support their cause, as a panel set up by the Democratic National Committee — the Unity Reform Commission, which included Sanders and Clinton campaign representatives — issued a report calling for all state parties to pass laws, change party rules or file lawsuits if necessary, to make it easier for voters to switch their registration to vote in Democratic primaries.
In legislative terms, constitutional reform is necessary but very far from suffi cient to stem the decline in Labour support.
Currently Mr. Drummond is looking for campaign staff, which currently consists of his wife and son with occasional support of other Reform Party members, and building infrastructure necessary to win a political campaign.
A senior Liberal Democrat warned Cameron against backtracking on a personal commitment to Clegg that he would support the reforms — if necessary by using the Parliament Act to overcome Lords opposition.
Liz Kendall has said that welfare reform is necessary but refused to state whether she supported the recently announced Conservative government plan to cut # 3bn of welfare spending.
«To me, adding this one is not a necessary one,» Garodnick said, acknowledging the argument was «small potatoes» in comparison with the other reforms which he expressed support for.
They support healthcare reform that includes a public option; they want to protect Social Security, reform education, and believe it's necessary to deal strongly with both pharmaceutical companies and climate change.
The state must continue to support, and if necessary, reform our system of public education.
Liz Kendall says that welfare reform is necessary but refuses to state whether she supports the recently announced Conservative plan to cut # 3bn of welfare spending.
«Brooklyn Voters Alliance appreciates Governor Cuomo's support for Early Voting, Automatic Voter Registration and other reforms necessary to increase access to our fundamental right to vote.
Education leaders across the reform spectrum should be appealing to this natural interest and building API support for the reforms necessary to improve public schools.
Old Dominion experts in school reform, math instruction, and instructional technology will collaborate with colleagues at Johns Hopkins University to develop technologies that reduce the level of dedicated local coaching support necessary to implement PowerTeaching i3.
In my new book, The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education, I describe how I came to repudiate my support for choice and accountability, though not for curriculum reform, which I still believe is necessary and valuable.
Conditions and Considerations for Effective Development and Implementation of Personal Opportunity Plans by the Commonwealth, Districts, and Schools contributes to the movement to shift from standards - based to supports - based reform that provides necessary resources so that every student has the opportunity to learn, succeed in school, and craft a productive future with the support of counselors, teachers, and personal advocates.
Payzant believed that a systemic approach to school reform led by the district was necessary to support and organize school improvement.
Inside, the reader will find participants» thoughts on how education reformers might address challenges in four distinct areas: 1) allocation and alignment of resources to support standards - based reform and higher expectations for all students, 2) generating resources for the interventions and specialized programs necessary to support the learning of students with special needs, 3) allocating resources to support learning in alternative education settings, and 4) developing funding strategies for dual enrollment programs.
Local leaders must also, for example, be able to help their colleagues understand how the externally - initiated reform might be integrated into local improvement efforts, provide the necessary supports for those whose practices must change and must win the cooperation and support of parents and others in the local community.
(a) Provides employment and / or practicum experiences with adolescents in urban public school settings; (b) Provides ongoing support in the development of skills necessary to be an effective group facilitator, utilizing a science - based affective curriculum; (c) Heightens facilitators» understanding of the cultural and contextual factors that impact the psychosocial development of urban adolescents and their ability to achieve academically; (d) Exposes facilitators to the process of designing, implementing and evaluating large scale preventive interventions; (e) Examines educational policy and its implications for practice and research for urban education and school reform; and (f) Encourages facilitators» interest and pursuit of careers in education, psychology social work, counseling and / or other related fields.
So while Malloy and Jumoke congratulate themselves about their education reform achievements, parents in every other Hartford school would do well to remember, smaller class sizes, having a teacher and an instructional assistant in every classroom and providing more support services is not a result of Malloy's education reform efforts but a result of Malloy, the State of Connecticut and the City of Hartford actually stepping forward and providing the resources necessary to make appropriate changes --- changes that should be being made at every Hartford School if only elected officials would address the broader issue inadequate funding for Connecticut's schools.
The SFRC is a broad - based, statewide, bipartisan collaborative committed to completing the research necessary to support school refinance reform.
There's no mention of cap - and - dividend systems, or energy - subsidy reform, or the international finance and technology support systems that will be necessary if the Paris agreement is to deliver.
There's no mention of cap - and - dividend systems, or energy - subsidy reform, or the international finance and technology support systems that will be necessary if the Paris Agreement is to deliver.
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