Sentences with phrase «supporting urgent action»

As the New Statesman's environmental correspondent, I have since been deluged with queries asking if this represents a change of heart by the magazine, which has to date published many editorials steadfastly supporting urgent action to reduce carbon emissions.
To address this issue, we commit to support urgent actions to mainstream adaptation into broader development strategies and encourage developing countries themselves to integrate adaptation into their development policies.

Not exact matches

Urgent action must be taken to improve skill levels and how they are developed in order to boost productivity, wages and social mobility, according to a report from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), supported by the CBI and the TUC.
The board also supported the decision and supported Bharucha in a statement, saying the financial situation of the school when he arrived was «not of his making and he deserves credit for sounding the alarm about the need to take urgent action to ensure Cooper Union's long - term financial sustainability.»
«The findings confirm this is an urgent societal crisis and will serve as a call to action in galvanizing communities and inspiring individuals and organizations to raise awareness and increase support for our nation's hidden heroes.»
One bipartisan - supported reprieve to the looming class size order, House Bill 13, gained unanimous approval in the state House in February, but despite advocates» calls for urgent action this spring, the legislation has lingered in the Senate Rules Committee with little indication it will be taken up soon.
There is an urgent need to scale up financial flows, particularly financial support to developing countries; to create positive incentives for actions; to finance the incremental costs of cleaner and low - carbon technologies; to make more efficient use of funds directed toward climate change; to realize the full potential of appropriate market mechanisms that can provide pricing signals and economic incentives to the private sector; to promote public sector investment; to create enabling environments that promote private investment that is commercially viable; to develop innovative approaches; and to lower costs by creating appropriate incentives for and reducing and eliminating obstacles to technology transfer relevant to both mitigation and adaptation.
In order to strengthen the global response to the threat o f climate change, Parties agree to take urgent action and enhance cooperation and support so as:
It's the bris - soleil system on the face of the New York Times, being climbed by «Spiderman» Alain Robert «as a peaceful way to create support for far greater and urgent action from world
TAKE ACTION: URGENT, please send a letter of support to your Senator today!
They put forward no proposals for the «hard governance issues» thrown up by projects that fall between the low and high thresholds, claiming (without support) that only the two tails need urgent action.
«Action on climate change to revitalise an ailing economy is the most urgent initiative our government can encourage and support.
What it does for me is to make me support even less any calls for urgent and draconian action on global warming.
Urgent action is needed to support Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS).
There is a broad agreement among energy leaders from both the governments and the industry that urgent action is needed to support CCUS.
Long - term, the environmental movement faces soul - searching about its own direction, and how to turn widespread popular support for environmental protection into an effective political force for urgent climate action.
If the 99 % of experts who support the mainstream position are right, then we have to take urgent action to reduce emissions or face some pretty catastrophic consequences.
The debate is sort of encapsulated in two quotes: One is Robert Kennedy Jr. saying that if people only had the facts about global warming and understood how urgent this issue was, then they would take action, the right policies would come up and people would support the right candidates.
Parties [shall][agree to] to take urgent action and enhance [cooperation][support] so as to (a) Hold the increase in the global average temperature [below 2 °C][below 1.5 °C][well below 2 °C][below 2 °C or 1.5 °C][below 1.5 °C or 2 °C][as far below 2 °C as possible] above pre-industrial levels by ensuring deep cuts in global greenhouse gas [net] emissions.
Decision 1 / CP.21 also sets out a number of measures to enhance action prior to 2020, including strengthening the technical examination process, enhancement of provision of urgent finance, technology and support and measures to strengthen high - level engagement.
In decision 1 / CP.21, the commitments from all actors are recognized, including those launched through the Lima — Paris Action Agenda, as well as the urgent need to scale up the global response to climate change and support greater ambition from governments.
While the bill was narrowly defeated, the high level of political and public support for the initiative sent a strong message to the Liberal government that urgent action is needed.
It presents a «People's Test on Climate» with the criteria: did the agreement catalyze immediate, urgent and drastic emission reductions; provide adequate support for transformation; deliver justice for impacted people; and focus on genuine, effective action rather than false solutions.
While the bill was defeated, the high level of political and public support for the initiative sends a strong message to the Liberal government that urgent action is needed.
Furthermore, the COP resolved to enhance the provision of urgent and adequate finance, technology and capacity - building support by developed country Parties in order to enhance the level of ambition of pre-2020 action by Parties, and in this regard strongly urges developed country Parties to scale up their level of financial support, with a concrete roadmap to achieve the goal of jointly providing USD 100 billion annually by 2020 for mitigation and adaptation while significantly increasing adaptation finance from current levels and to further provide appropriate technology and capacity - building support.
The new Christian Aid fair shares report — Climate Inequality in the Commonwealth: A call for urgent action (which we provided the analytic support for) is a step forward for at least two reasons.
in Africa, for instance, as early as 2020... in some countries, yields from rain - fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50 per cent... Today, the power of sceptics has become extremely high because economic interests which resist change support them... The challenge... is, therefore, to launch urgent grassroots action by civil society, business and local governments.
A recent Ceres story headline well outlines the doubling down of support for action: World's Largest Investors, Worth $ 20 Trillion, Step Up Call for Urgent Policy Action on Climate Change - Doubling in Investor Support Seen For Climate support for action: World's Largest Investors, Worth $ 20 Trillion, Step Up Call for Urgent Policy Action on Climate Change - Doubling in Investor Support Seen For Climate Aaction: World's Largest Investors, Worth $ 20 Trillion, Step Up Call for Urgent Policy Action on Climate Change - Doubling in Investor Support Seen For Climate AAction on Climate Change - Doubling in Investor Support Seen For Climate Support Seen For Climate ActionAction.
The 18 corporate members agree; the group was created «to underline the need for urgent action by the global community and to influence the post-Kyoto process by demanding a global framework supporting a market - based solution to the climate change issue.
The IEA highlights that urgent action is needed to support Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technologies, which made important strides last year but still lags far behind other low - carbon technologies.
There is a broad agreement among energy leaders from both government and the industry that urgent action is needed to support CCUS, without which the climate challenge will be much more difficult to tackle.
Recommendation 16: That the Government take urgent action to support the reinstatement of bilingual education approaches in schools, and safeguard the future of bilingual education through binding agreements with state and territory governments and the provision of ongoing resources to support its implementation.
Recommendation 16: The Commission strongly recommends that the Government take urgent action to support the reinstatement of bilingual education approaches in schools, and safeguard the future of bilingual education through binding agreements with state and territory governments and ongoing resources to support its implementation.
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