Sentences with phrase «suppress dog cough»

Not exact matches

Treatment of kennel cough is aimed at killing of the causative bacteria, and suppressing the cough to make your dog more comfortable.
Dogs with the illness may have a cough, runny nose, fever and suppressed appetite.
Dogs with canine flu typically have a persistent and lingering cough, fever, runny nose and suppressed appetite.
By suppressing the cough reflex, Temaril P can allow your dog to have a more peaceful and restful sleep as it won't be bothered by the incessant coughing.
As such, while suppressing the cough mechanism can bring comfort to your dog, it doesn't get rid of the cause of the cough.
The most basic medications used are cough suppressants that do not treat the underlying collapse, but they often suppress symptoms sufficiently to allow dogs to return to good qualities of life.
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