Sentences with phrase «supranational organizations»

The phrase "supranational organizations" refers to groups or institutions that have power and authority over multiple countries at once. These organizations are created when countries come together and agree to give up some of their independence and sovereignty in order to work towards common goals. They make decisions and policies that affect all member countries and help to promote cooperation and unity among nations. Examples of supranational organizations include the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and World Health Organization (WHO). Full definition
The IMF is one of the largest supranational organizations and facilitates cooperation between nations on monetary and fiscal policy.
We do, however, also work in other countries and for supranational organizations such as the World Bank or the European Union.
The bonds of local authorities and supranational organizations do not fit in either category.
Alternative dispute resolution and supranational organizations became the two legal solutions to the new economic needs.
International law is very complex as it consists of private international law, public international law, and the law of supranational organizations.
Like with the Forex, many of the regulatory concerns surrounding cryptocurrency are also beginning to receive growing international attention by standards bodies and supranational organizations.
by nongovernmental and supranational organizations.
Government officials and international and supranational organizations» representatives including: science ministers from approximately 100 countries, EU Commissioners and Members of the European Parliament.
The green bond universe is still vastly made up of supranational organizations and performs accordingly, however as segments within the market continue to develop, green bonds are beginning to show their true colors.
Frankly, people are fed up with these supranational organizations that do nothing but cause problems.
What will be crucial now is to get States and supranational organizations to sign and ratify the Convention.
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