Sentences with phrase «sure guide»

Just make sure your guide knows what he or she is doing.
I'm sure our guide mentioned a fire out break in that specific room and the victims where trapped inside the room.
So if we end up with a fee it's going to be incredibly modest, like 2 figures modest, and that will just be so I can have the manpower and the processing power to make sure the guided view is of good quality, the consumers are happy, and to continue making good tools.
I'm sure the Guide shows that as well (I should have mine around here somewhere)
Make sure your guide knows you want to take plenty of pictures, since they walk these canyons every day and can help direct you to the best spots.
Then make sure you guide him in making good choices online.
Then, make sure the guide is filled to the brim with rock - solid, genuinely helpful information.
On the other hand, if God's Word is not trustworthy, not only then is there no sure guide in this world, but also then God is not trustworthy, and so not deserving of our faith.»
To avoid purely «subjectivistic» values, Camus, via the Greeks, posited the limits and beauty of «objective» nature as man's sure guide.
All the same, we can surely sympathize with the yearning that motivates the literalist, the yearning for security and a sure guide.
Theology faithful to these symbols, and constantly tested by reason and experience, provides the surest guide to both belief and action — in public as well as private matters.
TERTULLIAN, THE FLESH AND ORTHODOXY Dear Father Editor While I can only share your Carthusian correspondent's enthusiasm for the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a sure guide to the Church's teachings, I read — with some surprise — in his comments on the letters I wrote to you in 2007 that I am supposed to hold suspect, or even possibly unorthodox, «any text» that cites Tertullian.
Anyone who has followed recent critiques of modern science should find in Whitehead a sure guide to the deepest issues involved.
By contrast, Hawthorne found in marriage, family, work, and meditation on history and religion a surer guide to relative wisdom and happiness.
If there is a principle that is a surer guide than sentiment to action in this case, abortion, I await Professor Arkes» account of it.
We're accustomed to presidential displays of piety but historians say a president's faith is no sure guide to how he will govern.
Religion is at one and the same time irrelevant as a sure guide to the perplexities of practice and eternally relevant as ultimate transcendent principle.
Goto bed in peace knowing you have the Word of God by your side as a Sure Guide, don't argue with the unbelievers, no need wasting hours and days about a Living Bible.
I found myself marveling that these saints I once had considered too musty and simplistic to understand my contemporary concerns were, in fact, the surest guides to women's liberation that I had ever known.
That is one sure guide to controlling your sugar intake.
Be sure your guide your child through his or her online life.
If he's fighting with a brother or sister who teases him or hurts his feelings, teaches him to ask politely but firmly for respect and then make sure you guide the siblings toward a positive sibling relationship.
Time and again, Davis» orphanage has been cited as evidence that appetite is mostly genetic and that the foods children like or dislike are a sure guide to what their bodies need.
Struzik is a sure guide as we set out on an uncertain path through the smoky woods and beyond.»
Here at Sea Quest, we make sure your guides are properly trained, educated, and fun to be with!
The 4 dive guides and instructors are experienced and will sure guide you through an awesome scuba diving adventure.
But storms are capricious, and notoriously hard to map accurately, so the researchers decided that the surest guide to any pattern of migration would be the latitude at the point of maximum intensity.
My clients are often concerned initially about the complexity of the claims process, so I make sure I guide them through the legal maze and give them the clarity they need to feel reassured and confident.
Make sure you guide them defensive driving methods so that when the time comes that your child will start to drive he / she will follow the proper way of driving their vehicles and not doing the wrong habits which will lead them to accidents.
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