Sentences with phrase «sure knowledge»

As your child makes the important transition from primary to secondary school make sure your knowledge increases with theirs.
They all reflect a commitment by faculty and administrators to break down old walls separating academia from the wider community and make sure the knowledge and inquiry on college campuses benefits society at large.
Within their limits of knowledge and experience there can be no doubt that the early Christians lived with sure knowledge of the living and contemporary God.
Precisely because sure knowledge is unavailable, it is fruitless to go in search of it and dangerous to imagine that we are progressing on the basis of it.
Still, it clearly states in its conclusions: «We emphasise that... [there] are reasons for prayerful hope, rather than grounds for sure knowledge».
Make sure the knowledge, skills, and abilities from this section of the announcement are clearly identifiable in your resume.
God bless you with peace and the sure knowledge of Him.
They were the ones who must take the Gospel of the Risen One to «all nations,» in the sure knowledge that he would be with them always (Matthew 28:19 - 20).
In poverty, she gives God her worldly possessions in the sure knowledge that He will provide for all her needs; in chastity, she offers Him her undivided heart so that she might be free to spread the Gospel and love all people with His love; in obedience, she offers God her will (through obedience to her superior) so that God's will and hers may be one.
Although, according to Keen, we can not claim any sure knowledge of God, theology can nevertheless use the word God to serve an indispensable function 36 We need to remain hopeful if we are to maintain our sanity, Keen asserts.37 Thus the idea of God can function to unify our needful affirmations about this unknown source - affirmations of «the trustworthiness of the mystery which surrounds [our] existence.»
This experience and the sure knowledge that one is loved and cared for, whatever happens, is the foundation for personal growth.
He insists that by attentively listening to the Jesus of the Gospels and through a collective listening with the disciples of every age, that is, through the authentic witness of Scripture and Tradition, one «can indeed attain to sure knowledge of the real historical figure of Jesus» (p. xvii).
And when I was sorely tempted to have sex before marriage, it was not fear of being brandished unclean that stopped me, it was the sure knowledge that this one act could bring my children into a family that was not ready to be a family.
Assurance of salvation is the sure knowledge that I have eternal life because Jesus guarantees it to everyone who simply believes in Him for it.
In fact, getting a seminary degree has resulted in many losing the sure knowledge that they had eternal life.
In the new world, much of what orthodox Christianity has assumed to be the sure knowledge of God seems to have dissolved away leaving the Christian with a certain sense of loss.
This article shows a brave man that is not delusional, and certainly, has a sure knowledge of Who is waiting for him when he dies, otherwise he would recant to save his life.
He has no sure knowledge of the eternal verities, but he holds them by faith, and looks in faith to the God whose Word of life he has heard in the man Jesus and he says:
The Commission will not totally commit itself (leaving this up to the Supreme Authority of the Church) to the view that unbaptised babies go to heaven and says this is not «sure knowledge».
For if anybody had a sure knowledge of his future this very knowledge would either leave the space of his freedom still open and unknown, and would demand that he should take note of the situation of his freedom, or if the free decision were already included in the knowledge, this would be all the more a demand actually to make this decision.
It is at moments not their coolness and their mugginess that so much attract my attention as the fact that one is and the other was but is not; and the sure knowledge that the one that today is will also pass away.
Tom The «sure knowledge» that one day everyone who doesn't agree with them will be made to pay dearly by their super friend Jesus makes them this way.
It is a certain and sure knowledge.
Chelle — I continue to identify myself as a Christian, but I have come to recognize that I have no sure knowledge of what will happen in the afterlife.
The arrive - early dictum (to allow for screening delays) has resulted in airports full of travelers with time on their hands and the sure knowledge that the airlines have no intention of feeding them.
Filled with examples drawn from student surveys, focus groups, field observations, and interviews, this unique resource prepares you to lead with the sure knowledge that your students can and will want to join you.
The sure knowledge that it would lead to disaster.
I'm one of those who is often asked for such comments (by people in the music industry, usually, rather than writers, though)-- there certainly is a wide range of ways people go about this, and I am sure your knowledge and experience on the subject will be helpful to those asking and to those asked.
There is nothing quite like the view of North Island when you are standing on the sea — and the sure knowledge that just a short paddle away is a refreshing fruit smoothie, crisp glass of white wine, or a restorative North Island club sandwich!
There is a tremendous sense of security that comes with the sure knowledge that if you keep on peddling you will eventually find a place to sleep that night.
Like before the name of the game is point and click your way through the game, picking up and pocketing every item you possibly can in the sure knowledge that it can usually be combined or used in conjunction with something else to solve some ludicrous puzzle down the road.
I gain comfort from the sure knowledge that the death of the planet as we know it does not spell the end of the planet.
The large amount of research that has already occurred when no researcher had sure knowledge that patent protection would be available suggests that legislative or judicial fiat as to patentability will not deter the scientific mind from probing into the unknown any more than Canute could command the tides.
One of the things that drives me crazy is the sure knowledge that there are things that would benefit me that I don't take advantage of.
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