Sentences with phrase «sure knowledge of»

The LDS / Mormon church encourages its members to confidently profess a sure knowledge of the correctness of the church's truth claims, such as the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon.
The LDS / Mormon church encourages its members to confidently profess a sure knowledge of the correctness of the church's truth claims, such as the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon.
In any event, I'm sure your knowledge of policing accountability is at least as good as your knowledge of American criminal law.
The LDS / Mormon church encourages its members to confidently profess a sure knowledge of the correctness of the church's truth claims, such as the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon.
The LDS / Mormon church encourages its members to confidently profess a sure knowledge of the correctness of the church's truth claims, such as the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon.
The LDS / Mormon church encourages its members to confidently profess a sure knowledge of the correctness of the church's truth claims, such as the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon.
The LDS / Mormon church encourages its members to confidently profess a sure knowledge of the correctness of the church's truth claims, such as the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon.
Chelle — I continue to identify myself as a Christian, but I have come to recognize that I have no sure knowledge of what will happen in the afterlife.
Within their limits of knowledge and experience there can be no doubt that the early Christians lived with sure knowledge of the living and contemporary God.
Closely allied with being loved should come the sure knowledge of belonging, of being wanted, the glow of knowing oneself to be a part of some bigger whole.
For if anybody had a sure knowledge of his future this very knowledge would either leave the space of his freedom still open and unknown, and would demand that he should take note of the situation of his freedom, or if the free decision were already included in the knowledge, this would be all the more a demand actually to make this decision.
He has no sure knowledge of the eternal verities, but he holds them by faith, and looks in faith to the God whose Word of life he has heard in the man Jesus and he says:
Fuller's inductive historicist perspective thus undercuts his sure knowledge of Scripture's authority.
This article shows a brave man that is not delusional, and certainly, has a sure knowledge of Who is waiting for him when he dies, otherwise he would recant to save his life.
Given the fall of humanity, these people argue, there can be no sure knowledge of justice aside from the Scriptures and God's incarnate Word in Jesus Christ.
He insists that by attentively listening to the Jesus of the Gospels and through a collective listening with the disciples of every age, that is, through the authentic witness of Scripture and Tradition, one «can indeed attain to sure knowledge of the real historical figure of Jesus» (p. xvii).
Although, according to Keen, we can not claim any sure knowledge of God, theology can nevertheless use the word God to serve an indispensable function 36 We need to remain hopeful if we are to maintain our sanity, Keen asserts.37 Thus the idea of God can function to unify our needful affirmations about this unknown source - affirmations of «the trustworthiness of the mystery which surrounds [our] existence.»
On the basis of a surer knowledge of the synoptic tradition, and of more and more work on the Johannine, it may one day be possible to make use of the fourth gospel in the reconstruction of the teaching of Jesus, but that day is not yet.

Not exact matches

Make sure the appropriate people have knowledge of relevant passwords and codes, and that you have backup tech vendors arranged.
Letting two domains of knowledge that are usually alien to each other mix and mingle is a sure fire way to get your brain humming, so the idea of applying the thinking of anthropology to the world of start - ups isn't as strange as it appears at first blush.
Sure, NASA has a big advantage when it comes to generating viral hits due to its mission servicing the fundamental human need for exploration, knowledge, and new discovery (Department of Agriculture, eat your heart out), but even the most powerful content can get bungled in its execution and delivery.
«This comedy of errors went on, without President Clinton's knowledge I'm sure, until it was finally time to collect the current set and replace them with the new edition,» Shelton writes.
While you may be tempted to show off your extensive vocabulary or knowledge of industry jargon, be sure to use only words and terms that your audience will understand.
It's difficult to say for sure — but they claimed involvement, clearly had some knowledge of the attack that was not public, and had ties to those subsequently arrested.
Stephen J. Sheinbaum, president and CEO of Merchant Cash and Capital, recently offered some tips, including giving your company a financial checkup, coming to grips with seasonal variations in your business, making sure you hire great people, and arming yourself with knowledge about financing options.
Make sure your analyst has experience and knowledge of the dental industry.
If you look at the track record of the knowledge industry in India, I am sure there is enough knowledge about this (new technologies).
Sure, there are certainly great benefits from knowledge - based technologies, but as information economists have long noted, as soon as information is produced, one person can consume it without reducing others» consumption of it.
Precisely because sure knowledge is unavailable, it is fruitless to go in search of it and dangerous to imagine that we are progressing on the basis of it.
If they throw you out, simply hire a hall and move yourself to a different venue.If you are sure that you are doing the will of God, and I think you are (other than those times when you wonder if you're nuts to be doing this), then go and do it in love and peace and in the knowledge that God has your back and is aware of any problems you might run into.
In a rich country with a weak knowledge of art, this was possibly a laudable goal - though perhaps a little too confident of government's power to legislate things like aesthetics and a little too sure of the nineteenth - century dogmas of man as perfectible and art as universal religion.
Although I'm sure that you mean well, you have the potential to do a lot of damage to people in need who might not have the critical thinking skills to see through your lack of compassion and knowledge.
We know that we only imagine things to the best of our knowledge, but lo and behold, now WE KNOW FOR SURE.
And with your knowledge of scientific understanding you should easily know that the «we don't know for sure» position is the one taken by the scientific community regarding the issue.
Our knowledge is very limited comparing the entire universe... there might be some scientific calculation which of course based on the expectations or probability but not for sure...
From Agnostic to Islam and I have seen examples in the past... so my humble request to you is not to stop... keep learning or studying the new stuffs... an advice to you when you decide to study or learn about Islam — do not point to the people who does wrong things as wrong doing people are there in everywhere regardless of faith, but look into the scripture and go to someone who has knowledge if you have any question that bothers you but make sure that person is well educated to his community... i ask The Almighty God to open your heart...
In his whole treatment of natural theology, Luther is always intent upon this one thing: men must learn that sure and true knowledge of God can be found only in God's revelation.
If our primary knowledge is irreplicable and dependent upon accidents, how can we be sure of assenting to the truth?
Well I have studied textual criticism (though I can not claim a good working knowledge of Greek to be sure) and oddly enough, have come to exactly the opposite conclusions as you.
While I'm more of an atheist than anything else and respect Mr. Hawking's vast knowledge of the sciences and believe he's probably correct in his assertions I also believe that NO ONE really knows what's in store for us after death... most likely nothing at all since that's what makes sense to me, but all the brains in our world put together don't really know for sure.
And when I was sorely tempted to have sex before marriage, it was not fear of being brandished unclean that stopped me, it was the sure knowledge that this one act could bring my children into a family that was not ready to be a family.
Assurance of salvation is the sure knowledge that I have eternal life because Jesus guarantees it to everyone who simply believes in Him for it.
I'm sure there is spiritual knowledge provided and gained to these individuals experiencing this phase of their life» end.
One thing is for sure... there is not enough context or knowledge of what was going on in Corinth at that time to be too dogmatic on any one view.
Only thing for sure is that athiests are a lot more impressed with their «knowledge» than the rest of us are.
Sure, if you can live with the knowledge now that you are condemning people in the name of a being that may very likely turn out to be non-existent doesn't bother you, then you are again acting completely out of self - interest, right?
Most honest Atheists are also Agnostic (defining knowledge)... in other words - I see no evidence to support the notion of a god (s) but can't be sure there isn't.
All of my knowledge fell away in that instance of knowing: sure, here's a timeline and here are the influences and here are the patrons and the historical context but somehow those things fell away and rolled to the corners of the room because what really mattered was the soul.
I am not so sure about ghosts, but have never (to my knowledge) seen one myself — which state of affairs, I hasten to add, I have no urge whatsoever to alter.
I am not sure that this knowledge extends to the future, but then I am not sure how the concept of time applies to God anyway.
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