Sentences with phrase «sure meat pieces»

Not exact matches

On bamboo skewers, alternate pieces of meat and desired veggies (Important: make sure meat is pre-cooked before doing this!
Make sure to choose the best pieces of meat you can possibly find for the superb taste this grill classic has to offer.
Crumble the turkey into the pan and brown, making sure to break up the turkey meat into smaller pieces.
For best results, be sure the chain, the thin piece of meat and fat that runs along the length of the tenderloin, is removed.
I know the rule of at least 1 hour / pound but I am not sure about when that total weight is distributed between multiple pieces of meat.
If using a meat thermometer make sure the internal temperature is 170 °F for bone - in pieces and 165 °F for boneless pieces and for a whole chicken it should reach 180 °F.
(Be sure to let meat brown before turning and breaking it up into small pieces with a spoon or spatula.)
You can also try making beef / chicken / salmon meatballs, offer a piece of lamb on the bone, chicken thighs or drumsticks (making sure small bones are removed), shredded meat, or slow cooked meat.
My husband quickly got in the habit of giving me the biggest piece of meat every time he cooked, and doing «mama math» every time he calculated portions from a recipe (whatever it calls for, add a little extra, and make sure there's enough for one person's worth of seconds).
On bamboo skewers, alternate pieces of meat and desired veggies (Important: make sure meat is pre-cooked before doing this!
Don't crowd the pot — if you try to cook too many pieces at once, you'll steam the meat rather than brown it — and make sure that each piece gets good color.
Also make sure to cut the steak into bite - sized pieces before serving it to your pooch; dogs often get excited and may choke on large chunks of meat.
Just be sure it's a small piece of cooked meat, and not a bone.
Cubed lunch meat (to dry it out a bit, microwave it 3 times for 30 seconds sandwiched between pieces of paper towel) Shredded or string cheese Cream cheese, peanut butter, Easy cheese (a lick per behavior — also great for grooming practice and stuffing in Kong when your dog will be alone for awhile) Cereal such as cheerios Kibble (dry food)-- try placing some in a paper bag with some bacon to «stinkify it» Kitty treats or food Freeze dried liver treats Beef Jerky Apple pieces Cooked green beans, carrots, or peas Hot dogs, Liverwurst Popcorn Imitation crab (try peeling layers apart and freezing them in a colander to dry them out) Meat baby food Hard boiled egg white pieces Commercial dog treats (be sure to check ingredients to avoid preservatives, artificial colors and by - produmeat (to dry it out a bit, microwave it 3 times for 30 seconds sandwiched between pieces of paper towel) Shredded or string cheese Cream cheese, peanut butter, Easy cheese (a lick per behavior — also great for grooming practice and stuffing in Kong when your dog will be alone for awhile) Cereal such as cheerios Kibble (dry food)-- try placing some in a paper bag with some bacon to «stinkify it» Kitty treats or food Freeze dried liver treats Beef Jerky Apple pieces Cooked green beans, carrots, or peas Hot dogs, Liverwurst Popcorn Imitation crab (try peeling layers apart and freezing them in a colander to dry them out) Meat baby food Hard boiled egg white pieces Commercial dog treats (be sure to check ingredients to avoid preservatives, artificial colors and by - produMeat baby food Hard boiled egg white pieces Commercial dog treats (be sure to check ingredients to avoid preservatives, artificial colors and by - products)
If you can't stomach whole animals, make sure you feed your ferret golf ball sized pieces of meat twice daily.
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