Sentences with phrase «sure system components»

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Because from here, it sure looks like a system designed specifically to benefit a tiny, tiny cabal of interests without any ethical component to it whatsoever.
It has an impact protection which is an integrated system of safety components and works together to make sure that the baby is protected well beyond the federal safety standards
Every component has to be double - and triple - checked, he says, to make sure the system as a whole can perform interferometry of the highest precision.
Most scientists are sure that in the centre of our galaxy there is a supermassive black hole; there are binary systems where one of the components is most likely a black hole.
Since your lungs and your heart are the two crucial components of your cardiovascular system, you can be sure that you are improving your cardio if these organs are being used during the exercise.
It is each members; sole responsibility to make sure that his or her computer, IT systems, software and components fulfill the system requirements in order to be able to use the Services and that the contract between the User and his or her ISP permit the use of the Services, in particular regarding bandwidth use.
As we work with states in developing these systems, one of the key components is making sure the information is translatable for parents, that they can understand what percentage of students in that school who are mastering standards and achieving grade - level expectations and whether or not those students are going to be ready to graduate from high school and be successful in college.
Whether the fuel pump is new or old, the pressure has to be tested on the fuel rail to be sure the pump, and other fuel system components such as the filter, regulator, etc., are actually working.
During routine maintenance and inspection, your drive belt system should be reviewed to make sure that all the components are in working order.
Home Inspection This is when a professional home inspector comes to the property and performs a comprehensive and thorough examination over all of the major systems and structural components of the home to make sure there are no problems or large expenses that need fixed.
The complexity of the climate system and the uncertainty around our understanding of its mechanisms and the feedback interactions of it's components, along with the uncertainty around our measurements of its activity mean that at this stage we can not be sure global surface temperature will trend up or down, or even whether surface temperature is the most useful metric for the throughput of energy in the climate system.
The immune system is a complex beast and we don't know exactly hove every component works, but I'm sure that the two people I know who had polio wish the polio vaccine had come sooner.
We based the development of these new earth system models on GFDL's highly successful CM2.1 climate model and made sure to maintain climate fidelity as interacting carbon system components were built in.
Motherboard was the first report the leak of the iBoot - a component of iOS that makes sure all apps and other software installed on Apple's devices are secure when they boot up, and nothing was changed in any way - source code for Apple's iOS 9 operating system for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices last night.
If you're sure you don't need more than four rear USB ports (or you're fine with using a hub), and you aren't the type to upgrade and add your own drives or other components, then this system should serve you well — especially if, for some reason, you also require a Parallel Port, which this system's motherboard has.
Integration testing also involves an important process called quality assurance, which makes sure that the different component portions or parts of the software systems are functioning in a proper manner.
Making sure that the applications of the systems are operating the right way by suitably testing their component and module portions
• Set up computer security measures (both hardware and software) to ensure that any internal or external threats are warded off • Configured computer networks such as LANs and WANs and add any required components to make information flow more profound • Offered technical support over the telephone or through user generated tickets • Tested systems to make sure that they are working optimally • Ensured that any need for upgradation is fulfilled on immediate basis
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