Sentences with phrase «sure teachers get»

But he is able to say to parents and those who care about schools that he did all he could to make sure teachers get a raise,» Johnson said.
An across the board pay raise instituted without taking this funding structure into account will force local school districts to come up with extra funds to be sure all teachers get the same pay raise.

Not exact matches

Teachers and firefighters and the poor and so - called greedy government get the blame, but sure they don't have it.
The consequence she will get from you is that you will make sure she sets aside time every evening to study, you will be in touch with her teachers more, and you will monitor her homework more thoroughly until she brings her grade up.
I can only imagine how much more challenging it can be as they get older and are eating school lunches, with no teacher reporting back about how much was consumed or making sure to send home the containers from home lunches so Mom and Dad can see what actually went into the kids» stomachs.
Be sure to look especially at the sections on how much sugar kids should (or shouldn't) be getting in a single day, which might carry some weight with your fellow teachers.
So i had to text my childs teacher to make sure she got it.
And if you're particularly concerned about the junk food offered to your kids in their school classrooms, such as food served at birthday celebrations, class parties and as teacher rewards, be sure to check out «The Lunch Tray's Guide to Getting Junk Food Out of Your Child's Classroom.»
Bullies, tough teachers, cut - throat coaches, and future bosses will make sure your child doesn't get an overinflated ego.
We will partner with families, teachers and any other professionals in your child's life to make sure she gets the support and opportunities she deserves.
If you aren't sure what style the teacher would like, you can always get a gift card.
Find out when you should reach out to your child's teacher, how to get in touch, and make sure to build a productive relationship.
Here's how it came about - I was lamenting on Instagram about the note JJ's teacher sent home saying that he had eaten his entire lunch when he got to school first thing in the morning (and I'm not sure how that happened if they were keeping an eye on him and he had eaten a full breakfast before he got on the bus...... but I regress).
Liaising with your child's teacher will make sure the help you're giving your child is not working against their efforts and prevent them from getting more confused or frustrated as they struggle with the already steep learning curve they're facing.
In the fight back against the cuts, and to make sure our kids get the education they deserve, the New York State United Teachers and the Alliance for Quality Education have teamed up to urge legislators to restore the needed funding.
«The focus, I think, has been on making sure that teachers and students get the kind of training that teachers need to support students, so you are seeing increases with the trend going in the right direction,» responded Elia.
«We need to make sure that the students, their families and the teachers get the support they need on a long - term basis to ensure that they can lead productive lives,» Weingarten told reporters after private sessions with the teachers.
We advocate getting them into the best schools and making sure the best teachers are teaching them.
Sure, yoga teachers sometimes are more «advanced» practitioners, but that is the direct result of getting on their mats #everydamnday.
Classes are challenging but accessible - the teachers focus on making sure that everyone can get something out of the class no matter their experience or how they feel that day.»
Private classes allow teachers the opportunity to focus on you and make sure you are getting off to an appropriate start.
When things get busy during the school year, make sure you have these three things teachers can't live without — either for you or your favorite teacher!
I'm sure those lucky teachers were SOOOO happy to get a little treat from their students.
The principal asks a teacher, «I've been thinking about how to make sure that we're getting kids moving without sacrificing learning time.
To be sure, if you'd asked the teachers in the district if race played a role in how they function in their schools, you would have gotten a resounding «No!»
«They even helped each other figure out how they could get a better grade from certain teachers,» she adds, «sharing tips like, «Oh, with him you just need to make sure you turn in all of your homework.»»
«The best way to get technology integrated into the curriculum is to make sure your district's teachers are provided with lots and lots of training,» added education technology specialist Robin Smith.
MacPhee, now retired, looks back on the way the teachers, volunteers, the community, and students pulled together to make sure the school got back on its feet.
«You've got legacy systems, and I'm sure you have teachers concerned about using documents they've spent years creating in Word or Excel.
The next time you find yourself in a meeting with teachers and you overhear «I sure hope he learns to be more responsible before he gets to high school,» ask instead, «What are we going to do to help him learn responsibility?»
In those earlier stages it's important to make sure you've got good facilities, well - trained teachers, and targeting teaching would be an aspiration, but it would not be the central thing.
And at the local level, of course, all such decisions are subject to collective bargaining; and local unions have regularly made sure that the data don't actually get used in ways that might reflect on the performance of individual teachers, and thus be a threat to jobs.
And to be sure, the organized interests of the status quo — particularly the powerful teachers unions — will always find a way to get their message out to core audiences.
To be sure, there is nothing in our current forms of direct evaluation that requires schools and teachers to abandon a broad, knowledge - laden curriculum to boost test scores; but it should be abundantly clear that if the field hasn't gotten this message nearly fifteen years after No Child Left Behind, it's not going to.
She instructs teachers as well as parents to make sure children «never miss a day» of writing in their notebooks, because «if you allow kids to get off the hook once, they'll try to get off it all the time.»
Most important when hiring, says Peiser, «We want to make sure our teachers want to get better.
Teachers are expected to track student data, integrate technology, map their teaching to standards and be familiar with the diverse ways in which their students learn, while also doing daily things like taking attendance, getting students to lunch on time, tying shoes, resolving conflict, grading homework, and all the while making sure that all of their students learn.
Many teachers will tell you that getting names down as soon as possible helps with discipline and, sure, this is true.
Program present 25 great ideas from teachers — ideas that are sure to get kids across the grades excited about reading.
«I would suggest for teachers to create a monthly and year - long pacing guide to make sure that everything that needs to be covered does get done.»
«Our view is that will only happen where we make sure teachers are getting the right professional development to make GCSE computer science a success.»
By fourth grade, teachers [often] assume students have internalized basic organizational skills and no longer watch closely to make sure everything gets done.
This gets very much into making sure parents understand the qualifications of the teachers.
«Teachers are so worried about making sure kids test well that they can forget to get on a one - on - one level with the students and figure out what's going on in their lives and in their minds.
But there are some obvious differences: two teachers are assigned full - time to each classroom, one of them certified in special education, to make sure every student is getting the help (or the push) he or she needs.
Director Matt Hood, says: «Having an expert teacher in every classroom is the best way to make sure that every pupil, regardless of their background, gets a great education.
One thing for sure, the teachers that we get to work with evolve in a way the others do not.
In order to get staff on board, Nolan made sure teachers felt appreciated: «Even the little touches like making tea and toast for staff at breaktime was a major moral booster.»
«Principals and teachers just want to make sure the education system is as good as it can be and I think that we can get closer to that with the Commonwealth taking some steps back and handing the reins to the states and territories because the they have the track record and the relationships that make them in a better position to improve education for the students.»
Thus, this fifth and final «J' focuses on getting teachers to just try the computers in their classrooms, and making sure they do through pressure, monitoring, and support.
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