Sentences with phrase «sure your baby still»

When you are done with steps 1 & 2 and then u place baby down to bed, do u make sure baby still awake but sleepy or ok to be asleep?
I have set very serious limitations on my big girl to make sure the baby still gets everything she needs, but I'm so beyond thankful I didn't push her to wean exactly when she needed me the most.

Not exact matches

We're definitely still trying to find the right balance, and I'm sure our formula will change when we have our first baby any day now... Our date night will have to be a party of three!»
I look at them in their beds and it's like they're every age they ever were, all at once, still the babies I watched sleep for hours, just to make sure they were still breathing.
During their last week, they «test» the babies in their summer clothing and winter clothing to make sure that if, God forbid, they were to fall into the pool, they would still have the skill to float and swim to the wall.
Hello — Not sure if you are still looking for a way to clean your blue «babies»... if you still are — I just found this way.
I'm often rushed for time with my two babies and therefore love baking these in just 10 minutes, but if you want to be on the safe side I'm sure these would still turn out well if you bake them at 250ºF for 25 - 30 minutes.
These babies were everywhere in Tel Aviv so I sure got my fix in & still have my cravings going strong for them.
On the flip side, are we so sure that there aren't a lot of Bangladeshi babies who are surviving but still getting suboptimal nutrition from their mothers» milk?
But then you should still make sure your baby is safe on a plane.
It's an efficient and easy way to dress your baby boy and make sure they are still comfortable.
If you are breast feeding check with your doctor to be sure that YOUR diet is the best for making breast milk (sometimes we forget that even after we have the baby we are still «eating for two»)
As they reached motherhood, they challenged themselves to create solutions for mothers who could not breastfeed regularly, but still wanted to make sure their babies got the necessary immunities and nutrients from their mothers» milk.
If you're still looking for a luxury baby gift, be sure to look at Estella NYC's amazing catalog!
The impact of swaddling on reducing crying was less conclusive in this study, but if babies are able to sleep for a longer time, then I'm sure more parents would still be overjoy.
The problem happens when we expect babies to join the «clean plate club,» making sure they finish every last drop in the bottle whether they're still hungry or not.
Remember that your baby's stomach is still only about the size of his or her fist at this point, however, so make sure not to overfeed or force your child to eat more solids than he or she is ready for.
Make sure that you buy products specifically made for babies, as their skin is still very sensitive.
Your baby is growing up fast, and you're still tasked with making sure he or she gets all the right nutrients to stay healthy and grow up strong.
If all the other signs of weaning readiness are there but your baby is still uninterested in food, be sure to make a big production out of eating in front of him or her.
Got a couple Cutey Baby AIO free @ KC but too big for my girl still — cute but not sure I «love» them since the fit is prob better for chunkier babies.
If your baby is still having meconium bowel movements when he is 4 days old, see a healthcare provider to make sure baby is taking in enough milk.
You can't expect your little one to know everything about the weaning process without some assistance, and although baby led weaning is very hands - off in comparison to parent - led weaning, you'll still need to be there to help guide your child and keep a close eye on every meal to make sure things go smoothly.
You may have to continue to supplement, just be sure to monitor your babies weight gain and growth with his pediatrician, but just because some of his food may be supplemented doesn't mean that you can't still give him the great benefits of the breastmilk you have.
I'm glad I came across this post but I'm still not really sure what to do with my baby as I don't know if he is too young to not be nursing him to sleep.
While it's definitely important to monitor your child's nutritional intake and make sure you aren't overfeeding too, safety still stands out as the number one concern when you're baby led weaning.
It is not uncommon and you can be sure that your baby will still get the nutrition they need, even if it does not come directly from you.
Whether you're breastfeeding, pumping, formula - feeding, combo - feeding, or still pregnant and not quite sure, choosing the perfect baby bottle can be an agonizing decision.
It's still a wise idea, though, to introduce new foods gradually, waiting several days after each new menu item to make sure your baby doesn't react badly to it.
Go through your nightly routine, make sure your baby is fed and comfortable, and put him to bed drowsy, but still awake.
Be sure to ask your doctor if that medication is still safe for you and your growing baby.
Your baby may immediately know what to do but you still need to make sure that your little one will be supported while you cradle your baby close to your breast.
I still use the swing but make sure she's supervised the entire time because of it but that takes away the convenience of letting baby play or nap in swing while mom catches up on chores.
Frequently throughout the day, check the buckles and straps to make sure your baby is still in place.
Because this product will be mostly used outdoors it is important to make sure that you still protect your baby from the sun's harmful rays.
Whether you're sure you want to breastfeed or you're still deciding, know that breastmilk is one of the most important gifts you can give your growing baby.
I'm not sure if I'll have the time at night (or patience) to deal with snappis, making a diaper, putting the cover on while still half asleep with an awake baby... Thanks for these reviews!
Still, be sure to be grateful for your body and it has done to nourish you and your baby.
A health visitor recently told a friend of mine that mothers are misunderstanding what baby - led weaning is all about, and that its not just finger foods, you still have to spoon feed them as well to make sure they get enough nutrients.
Still, you'll want to make sure your baby's bedding gets changed at least once a week, even if it seems clean.
However, it is important that baby is fed so if you are still having issues with latching definitely pump at least every 2 hours to make sure your body is producing milk.
When they would visit during my pregnancy, she would buy gallons of nursery water (Im still not sure exactly what that is), perfumed baby wipes, disposable diapers and strongly perfumed ointments and powders.
I am sure the adjustment period will still be challenging for my children once the baby is actually in the picture, but I feel these activities and discussions have at least prepared us a bit for what is to come.
The irises of your little one's eyes are still lacking pigment, but you are sure to see those baby blues, or greens or big browns in no time at all.
Not sure how little your child is but I have read that even though babies can «sleep thru the night» at 3 — 4 months that is only considered from 12 am — 5 am and before they can start sleeping 10 — 12 hours they should be at least 14 lbs but even then some babies still take a few more months to stop.
If you're nursing or pumping frequently and still experiencing engorgement, you should monitor your output to make sure you aren't pumping too much and causing yourself to produce more milk than necessary to meet baby's needs.
Make sure that you don't do this when your child is still very young, however, as this can lead to underfeeding a baby who really does still need that supplement in his or her diet.
Make sure the baby's legs are still in a natural position and strap the carrier onto your shoulders.
My only problem is that I'm not sure if my baby would still get enough milk after I had a breast implant with the Long Island plastic surgery group.
While baby wearing singletons is becoming more popular, many twin parents still aren't sure how to wear two babies at once.
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