Sentences with phrase «sure your pet goes»

We make every effort to kill every flea on your pet while here to make sure your pet goes home flea free.

Not exact matches

I'm sure if I went through the NYC birth records I could find records to prove a boy named Peter Parker existed before the Spider - Man comics were written, but that doesn't mean that boy had super powers.
come to think of it, has someone gone to make sure the Phelps family cemetery is not built atop one for pets?
im sorry but your misinformed the catholic church does not teach there the only ones going to heaven and i disagree the rock was peter Jesus was the builder thats why he changed peters name from simon to peter which im sure you know peter means rock, The one church is a; ready here its the catholic church any one baptizied in the trinatarium form becomes part of that church which is the body of christ.
We're not sure where Peter will go from here, but whichever end of the faith spectrum you land on, you now have a rooting interest.
I'm not going to lie, I wasn't sure what I was going to end up with but I figured you really can't go wrong with Peter Pan ® Creamy Peanut Butter and RITZ crackers, they are the perfect snack, and I really didn't see how putting them together in a thick, fudgy brownie could do anything but make them better.
In order to make sure there is room available at the HRA, the Scherzers are going to pay the adoption fees for pets from Thursday through Sunday.
Make sure you take a few minutes to go into a quiet room with your kitty when you get home to say hi and pet them, alone and without noises, distractions and other people.
Visitors can watch Lorna's demonstration and sample the final dish while meeting fellow Tweeters using the hashtag #tweetandgreet BASC chairman Peter Glenser said: «Lorna is well known for her enthusiastic, hands - on approach to everything she does and will I'm sure go down a storm with @BASCnews's thousands of followers on Twitter.
Sure, furry friends are nice to have around, but the benefits of owning a pet may go beyond companionship.
Compile & organize your list (s); have your favorite coffee (or drink) or both; take some time to spend with your much missed pets; go out to lunch or dinner and reminess over the pics of your vacation; check the net & make sure no one posted incriminating pics of you other than yourself; and enjoy the fact that you do live a wonderfully balanced life.
Why a homemade nuclear device has been made (with such a ridiculously easy trigger) is anybodies guess at this point, but we're sure it has something to do with a situation gone terribly wrong as the anti-heroes search for Peter Quill's true parents.
When you choose Peter as your cover designer you can be confident that you are going to get a beautiful professionally designed cover that will be sure to help you sell books.»
Sure, there are going to be exceptions — the occasional Peter Lynches and Warren Buffetts.
If using pads, be sure to locate them where you want the puppy / dog to go, since the pet will naturally return to that same spot, even if the pad is later moved just a few feet away.
It's best to go with a commercially prepared raw diet that meets or surpasses AAFCO standards unless you are ready to read several books to make sure you are balancing everything from calcium to essential amino acids properly for each life stage of your pet.
In the interim, while you're still trying to keep your pet going, make sure you have the temperature lowered; otherwise, they may not make it after all.
The new size is included in Sherpa's Guaranteed On Board program, which enables the pet parent to go online before traveling and make sure the pet carrier meets the requirements for that airline and that flight.
Early detection of problems, proper husbandry, good nutrition, wellness exams, blood work and vaccinations can go a long way in making sure your special pet has a long, good, quality life.
I'm sure there are some who might think it's a little over the top to go to such trouble for a pet's happiness, but most of my friends already know I'm a crazy cat lady at heart.
Making sure your pet wears a tag with your current phone number on it is one of the best ways to guarantee his return should he ever go wandering.
One thing for sure; as long as pet owners continue to treat their dogs as if they were one of their children, the demand for plush toys is always going to be there, says George.
Make sure your customer goes home to exclaim how well the product you suggested works for their pet.
With a number of clipper kits, both corded and cordless — many with a step by step instructional grooming video included — Oster goes the extra mile to make sure pet owners have the best products to use on their pets.
You and your pet may have had some holiday traditions and you're not sure what you should do now that he / she is gone.
The acquisition of the 31 - year - old company will go a long way in shoring up Petco's Internet business, which is sure to grow more important as shoppers increasingly migrate to the web for their pet needs.
If you are going to adopt a pet from a shelter, make sure you take steps to ensure that treatment is done right away.
Make sure your kit includes doggie essentials as well: food & treats, leash, bowls, water, plastic bags (for collecting waste), a favorite toy, blanket or towel, bandages, your pet's medical history, and recent photos of your dog in case he goes missing).
Sure, a significant portion of that spend goes to pet food, as families look for healthy or organic options for their furry friends.
Important documents: Make sure to have all your pets licenses, vaccine records, pedigrees and such in a ready to go folder in case of evacuation.
After your pet goes home, we will call you to check on his or her progress and to make sure everything is going well.
Make sure you go through the above steps prior to doing any other family pet introductions.
Our surgical and therapy lasers make sure your pet has less bleeding, swelling, and pain if surgery is necessary, and our ultrasound gives us the ability to take a really good look at what's going on inside your pet.
She will carefully go over what to expect while your pet stays at our hospital and make sure your pet is as comfortable as possible during the stay.
Here are some of the most important things to look for when you go to buy dry dog food for your pet — make sure that it contains some of these ingredients which are indicators of high - quality dog food.
In any situation, she'll do her best to make sure you understand what's going on with your pet, what to expect, and how best to manage or treat any illness she may diagnose.
When it comes time to introduce your puppy to children or other pets, be sure to supervise the interaction and go slow — if your puppy seems overwhelmed or frightened, cut the session short and resume it later.
As sure as death and taxes, pets are going to have to be handled, manipulated, examined, and treated at the vet.
I called in advance to make sure my pet will be covered before he went to surgery and they were so helpful.
I'm sure from an outsider this sounds gross, but fellow pet lovers can probably attest, there is no way you're going to be completely hair free in your house.
Not sure if that's a good idea, though, as huskies don't really go well with new pets because of their strong predatory streak.
Make sure to ask questions so that you can understand what your pet will be going through.
Going to the veterinarian yearly can help make sure that you know that your pet has a -LSB-...]
It's important to make sure there are no other pets around to scare her — this is especially important when you actually start going places.
If it is stress that is causing your pet to suddenly go bald, make sure that he has somewhere to get away from the youngster.
It's a good idea to take your pet to the vet to make sure there is not a more serious problem going on like hyperthyroidism or kidney disease.
There are certain things that you should be looking for in order to make sure the dog food you select is going to give your pet the nutrition that he requires.
It is a pleasure to work with and help people who really care about their pets and go to great lengths to make sure their pets get what they need to be happy and healthy.
The staff is very knowledgeable and personable, and go the extra mile to make sure that you and your pets needs are met.
I'm sure after reading this you are probably about to go check your pet's mouth, here's what you need to look for:
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