Sentences with phrase «surface appearance»

In the absence of trust that the other will reveal herself, the learner must take up the stance of the scientist who learns only from surface appearances.
«I became an abstract painter by staring at nature and painting it for 25 years, gradually becoming fascinated by the structures and rhythms beneath surface appearances,» he says.
It is superficial in that it refers to surface appearances only and not to anything pertinent to the person as such.
Springer probed beneath surface appearances by studying five particular genes in dozens of different mammals.
For a movie that's all about surface appearance, «Zoolander 2» is wonderfully verbal, with much of the humor coming from the precision of its speech and dialect work.
Sorrentino is often accused of being all style and no substance, but on the contrary his films are carefully built around the contrast between surface appearances and hidden depths.
«I saw Self - Portrait with its many eyes, noses, and mouth less as a portrait depicted from the outside than as one seen from within — as if the walls of the room were the inside of the skin of a person, the space inside your head and body, rather than a inventory of surface appearances observed from the outside.
This means that everyday reality is a world of surface appearances rather than a world of mysterious essences or underlying principles that require theoretical reflection.
To create an attractive surface appearance, I used a water - moistened finger to swirl the top layer of the batter into a somewhat neater arrangement.
Reynolds is demanding and Alma is forceful, but Krieps says that the film is not about the tension between them, despite surface appearances.
Mommy dearest is on the same wavelength as headmistress Beulah Bondi: it's not a matter of behavior but appearance and this school teaches nothing but surface appearances and attitude, from empty social rituals to appalling displays of class arrogance.
Surfacing veils strengthen the resin - rich surface of composite parts, creating a strong bond with the underlying laminate and enhancing surface appearance by masking the reinforcing fibre pattern.
They may take «cat - naps» when they dive, as their heart rate slows, making only brief, infrequent surface appearances.
There are those that claim that abstraction suffers great impoverishment by eliminating the joys of subject recognition further enhanced by a technical acuity that replicates surface appearances.
Using a larger sized tile in a small room will visually increase the size of the space by allowing for fewer grout lines, in turn creating a cleaner surface appearance.
In denying the viewer full semantic access to the text, Ligon essentially exposes the inability to look beyond surface appearance and performs the realities of racial (in) visibility.
Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire by William T. Cavanaugh Eerdmans, 103 pages, $ 12 Our globalized world of free - market consumerism teases the eye with a «surface appearance of diversity,» masking «a stifling homogeneity» that bears resemblance to Andy Warhol's «Orange Disaster # 5,» a painting whose serial imaging of the electric chair removes the sting of death.
Each of these paintings moves between surface appearance and psychic depth, conveying a nuanced range of emotions that are left to viewers» interpretations.
The artist describes the work «as if the walls of the room were the inside of the skin of a person, the space inside your head and body, rather than an inventory of surface appearances observed from the outside.»
This plane was not maintained well from the surface appearance in the cabin, and many seat mechanisms also were broken.
Let's go behind the surface appearances to discover what's underneath, and I'll explain how he went from relative obscurity to being on all the top stages making a million dollars a month in passive income.
No one cares about the surface appearance of the game; perhaps that's an important lesson for a Church that's become increasingly concerned with cultural relevance in recent years.
At the outset Christianity was, to all surface appearances, simply one of several sects of Judaism.
The cross reveals God to us only when we look past the surface appearance that reflects the ugliness of our sin and discern in its depth our gracious God stooping to bear our sin and take on this ugly appearance for us.
It's color - free and doesn't change the surface appearance of the grout.
It provides a much more meaningful evaluation than a dermatologist's eyeball, which must rely on the vague, ambiguous clues offered by the surface appearance of the skin.
In addition to preventing dryness, the ingredients contained within a good moisturising cream also provide a barrier against dirt and pollutants, improves the skin's texture and smooths out surface appearance.
Hello, to all that is good, true and beautiful... and that goes WAY beyond surface appearances.
Its health and surface appearance are determined by environmental factors as well as the function of the components that comprise the layers below.
However, when you compare documentaries to Hollywood features, it is important to note that the typical documentary is made at a fraction of the budget of a Hollywood narrative film, so this surface appearance of parity is more likely a result of the fact that the point of entry is less policed as a general matter.
Like the original, the film is never a bore to look at, boasting superb art direction; unlike the original, this film has nothing to offer but surface appearances.
But below the surface appearance was a dramatically heightened awareness of student learning — nurtured by the planning sessions, research reviews, philosophical discussions, and development of the improvement plan.
Declaring his commitment to a «hygiene of vision,» he filled his work with store - bought items, glamorous women, and bucolic landscapes: symbols of purity that engaged the period's fascination with novelty and surface appearance.
This methodical effort to delve into his unconscious in order to portray a level of reality beyond surface appearances can be compared to Arthur Rimbaud's notorious claim that the poet or artist «makes himself into a visionary by means of a long, immense, and calculated derangement of the senses.»
There is a further implication that the image penetrates beyond surface appearance to give us some deeper sense of the person depicted.
There is a surface appearance and there is also what lies beneath.
Each artist's practice negotiates the nature of physical surface and conceptual process, connecting the surface appearance of the work with its meaning.
In 1938, Houston native, Robert Preusser pondered how to present modern abstraction to a public accustomed to pictures that resembled «the surface appearance of things.»
This produces a complex interaction of depth, color and movement that has a strong painterly presence, yet its surface appearance is pristine and anonymous.
Uncompromising and direct, their etchings of the human face and the human body go beyond surface appearance to expose the inner life of their subjects.
The materiality of the object, in both its elemental composition and surface appearance, is at the heart of Quinn's work.
Just kind of a surface appearance, especially the sharply defined forms in that in particular.
As we have written elsewhere, Parental Alienation (PA) cases are different in that the surface appearance is very different than the underlying reality.
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