Sentences with phrase «surface feeds back»

The fact that the enclosed dots are dragged forward implies that the 3 - D surface feeds back to be applied to the dots.

Not exact matches

I slide my spatula flat against the wall of the blender and ever so slightly push the mixture into the centre, which sort of feeds it back into the blades again and prevents an air bubble from forming underneath the surface.
11 am - Baby down for nap, start on folding laundry 1120 am - Putting away laundry 1130 am - Preparing a grilled cheese sandwich and vegetable bean soup 12Noon - Mom eating lunch, Baby beginning to stir 1215 pm - Start dishes and wipe all surfaces, while Mom cuddles Baby 1230 pm - Mom feeds Baby, I sit with her and we talk about her family's excitement, how to manage visits 1 pm - Mom upstairs to nap, I burp, change and soothe Baby back to sleep 120 pm - Finish folding laundry and put away dry dishes 2 pm - Swiffer the kitchen and dining room 230 pm - Straighten and organize baskets to use for mobile changing station and nursing items 245 pm - Mom awake from nap, Baby wakes at same time, to feed.
The team used sensitive acoustic instruments to record the low - frequency hum the animals emit as they move up to the surface to feed at dusk, and back down to deeper waters at dawn.
The top graph shows the migration of animals in the mesopelagic zone up to surface waters at night to feed, and back down at daybreak.
To me it all feeds back into the «surface level» vs. «depth» of these characters.
The plankton congregate in large concentrations off our shores on the surface of the ocean which has the whale sharks coming back year after year to feed.
The upper atmosphere has a small heat capacity and reaches equilibrium temperature in considerably under a year; this feeds back on the forcing of the trosphere + surface, which are generally convectively coupled with the ocean (strongly with the upper ocean) and take a number of years to reach equilibrium.
Changes in land surface properties as the wet season progresses impact surface fluxes and boundary layer evolution on daily and seasonal time scales that feed back to cloud and rainfall generation.
Tdo, the Temperature of the Deep Ocean reconstructed by Bintanji, leads and lags Tsurf, Temperature of the surface, because the two respond differently to forcings and feed backs.
Normalizing and subtracting Tsurf (norm) from Tdo (norm) shows the lead lag relationship between the surface and deep ocean responses to forcing and feed backs.
Surface forcing alters evaporation and the hydrologic cycle, which feeds back upon the aerosol burden through the efficiency of wet deposition.
But the utter incoherence of views presented by deniers gives the game away even so (it's cooling, it's warming but the sun is responsible, it's warming but some unknown natural cycle is responsible, the «greenhouse» effect violates the laws of thermodynamics, but somehow the energy radiated back to the surface by the atmosphere simply vanishes, there is a greenhouse effect but negative feed - backs make it negligible, & c ad nauseam).
The effect may be small compared to an over estimated «average» radiant impact, but 0.8 % is significant compared to 1 %, which is about the «negative» latent feed back at the «true» surface.
There is no energy added to the system to be fed back to the surface even if there were some average physical mechanism to do it.
But I do not see any simple way to verify the no - feedback sensitivity; if you include evaporative cooling from the ocean surface (for example), then you immediately get into the feed - back issues of water vapor and cloud cover.
Back in 2013, Facebook tested a Chronological By Actor tweak to its News Feed to better surface breaking news
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