Sentences with phrase «surface motion»

With an accurate understanding of surface motion in a given zone, researchers also get more precise estimates for how a building will be affected by shaking.
Loveless uses very precise GPS measurements of earth surface motion to model the extent and spatial distribution of frictional locking that causes fault stress to build up between earthquakes.
«By combining images acquired in 2013 with the 2014 images, researchers will produce detailed surface motion measurements to improve volcanic deformation models,» said Naiara Pinto, the UAVSAR science coordinator from JPL's Suborbital Radar Science and Engineering group.
Baranes reports that they found GPS measurements of present - day earth surface motion around the Nankai Trough yield an earthquake of a similar magnitude and extent as the 1707 event, and their simulated tsunami heights are consistent with historical accounts of the 1707 event.
These convective surface motions average only a few centimeters a year — about as fast as your fingernails grow — which means cells recycle their surfaces every 500,000 years or so.
The westerlies of middle latitudes and the trade winds of the tropics drive the most prominent features of ocean surface motion, large - scale roughly circular current systems elongated in the east - west direction known as gyres.
The alarm shall meet and be independently certified to the ASTM Standard F2208 «Standard Safety Specification for Residential Pool Alarms,» which includes surface motion, pressure, sonar, laser, and infrared type alarms.
This was a really neat result because in addition to providing an independent line of evidence for significant tsunami hazard in the Bungo Channel, we demonstrated a connection between the Nankai Trough's physical characteristics and GPS measurements of surface motion
Then, simulations calculate the surface motion for each zone.
Brain surface points (including ventricle surfaces) are found using the registered brain images to sub-voxel accuracy, and the surface motion estimated on the basis of these points.
Everywhere your eyes land, there are creases, and all of that surface motion only works to give the car an air of Hyundai Sonata — if not literally, then certainly in effect.
Ian Joughin continues his pioneering research into the use of differential SAR interferometry for the estimation of surface motion and topography of ice sheets.
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