Sentences with phrase «surface of the moon»

The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of these moons are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.
Afterwards, in the opening visual image, the camera pans upward from the pock - marked surface of the Moon in the foreground.
Pelting by asteroids has left Callisto with the most heavily cratered surface of any moon.
«We can give countries an expedition to surface of the moon for two people,» Alan Stern, the co-founder of Golden Spike and NASA's former chief scientists told Wired.
Inspired by the «unique surface of the moon» and «the sensation of floating in space», the black aluminium bottle design includes a «wicking» insert that allows the beer to flow in zero gravity.
Parker's illustration shows Makemake's bright red surface and the inferred darker surface of the moon, known as MK2.
The surviving fragments from these impactors would have littered the ancient surface of the Moon, slowly becoming mixed with native soil and rock.
The new method could also be used to take photos silhouetted against the pocked surface of the moon.
Cassini discovered a liquid - water ocean under the icy surface of the moon Enceladus and, perhaps a victim of its own success, must die to prevent any chance that its warm electric generators might melt their way down into those life - friendly waters.
Shot on location in eastern Oregon, the landscape in Meek's Cutoff resembles the barren surface of the moon: desolate, grey, and seemingly endless.
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the dusty surface of the Moon.
I expected to vault along the low gravity surface of the moon.
The exhibit includes rarely - seen drawings from the late 1960s that channel the mottled surface of the moon and foreshadow the monumentally scaled «scrolls» from the 1970s for which Stuart became internationally known.
There are limited ways that the heated surface of the Moon or any planet can transfer heat to its atmosphere:
Launched by NASA in 2009, LRO normally stares down at the cratered surface of the moon — but took a moment to snap this modern - day «Earthrise» composite photo.
Based on the calculations we've done, we can actually do lunar surface missions, with no propellant production on the surface of the moon.
And we sent 12 people to the surface of moon.
The remote, desolate area — described as looking «like the surface of the moon» by a developer — is supposed to have some of the strongest winds in the world.
Moon Express wants to start mining the surface of the moon for valuable materials.
According to my research, it takes a total of 5,930 m / s of delta - v to get from LEO to the surface of the Moon.
So, while it costs $ 35.10 to put a kilogram into LEO, it would cost $ 166.02 to put it on the surface of the Moon.
A startup based in Berlin is planning to build the first telecommunications structure on the surface of the moon.
The company had its kick - off by entering the Google Lunar X PRIZE, a private competition to land a robot on the surface of the Moon with a cash purse of 30 million dollars.
And this maiden voyage will be no mere test - run: Astrobotic's lander will be laden with eleven customer payloads — from six different nations — and will deliver them to the surface of the Moon.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been able to uncover nearly 7,000 new craters carved into the surface of the Moon in...
It is being developed to get people back on the surface of the moon.
Their conclusion, delivered from the surface of the moon: «Galileo was right».
It reminds me of the story of the Apollo 15 astronauts standing on the surface of the moon and dropping a feather and a hammer to demonstrate Galileo's theory of objects in gravity fields in vacuums.
The stations look like futuristic pods that might easily be imagined on the surface of the moon or Mars.
The prediction of a cleavage on the surface of the moon, a celestial phenomenon which indeed took place immediately in the presence of the crowd of people he was addressing and which was observed and confirmed by travelers (Surah LIV, z).
Seriously, how hard would it have been for an omnipotent omniscient deity to chisel in mile high letters on the surface of the moon, THE WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE DOES NOT CHANCE OVER TIME»?
Today, he signed the «Space Policy Directive 1» which tells NASA to send astronauts to the surface of the moon and then Mars.
We used marbles and dropped them onto the surface of our moon.
Much of the land surrounding the airport is volcanic rock and looks more like the surface of the moon rather than a tropical paradise.
Did you know the surface of the moon has
On July 20, 1969, four days after blasting off from the only planet known to have life, Neil Armstrong flew a Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) to the surface of the moon.
«This is a roadmap to where water exists on the surface of the Moon,» said Ralph Milliken, an associate professor at Brown and Li's co-author.
For example, this is a slice of a meteorite that fell to Earth that we know came from the surface of the moon.
Yes — well, you're not alone, and there's actually good reason for you to, because the surface of the Moon is nearly devoid of strong colors in comparison to what we're used to here on Earth.
Unlike magnetic or gravitational fields, which vary from place to place (things weigh more here than on the surface of the moon, for instance), the Higgs field is exactly the same everywhere.
«Water - rich meteorite and comet impacts do not bring important amounts of water to the surface of the moon
«This would be a long loop around the moon... It would skim the surface of the moon, go quite a bit further out into deep space and then loop back to Earth,» Musk said during the teleconference.
«I think the idea that most of the water in the surface of the moon comes from solar wind implantations is most likely correct,» he says.
It's during this second rendezvous that Peck and his team plan for the satellite to be traveling slowly enough to be sucked into lunar orbit, some 6,200 miles above the surface of the moon.
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