Sentences with phrase «surface water temperatures»

Generally, the distribution of sea surface water temperature in Japan follows the seasons and is characterized by spring, summer, autumn, and winter patterns.
Actual sea surface water temperatures close to shore at Spooks can vary by several degrees compared with these open water averages.
Actual sea surface water temperatures close to shore at Mangamaunu can vary by several degrees compared with these open water averages.
It's well - known that tropical cyclones need surface water temperatures of at least 26.5 °C (80 °F) to maintain themselves, and that the warmer the water, and the deeper the warm water is, the stronger the storm can get.
Other experts point out one of the biggest natural factors behind the plateau is the fact that in 2008 the temperature cycle in the Pacific flipped from «warm mode», in which it had been locked for the previous 40 years, to «cold mode», meaning surface water temperatures fell.
The team also measured strontium in a coral sample taken from Jarvis Island, an uninhabited speck of land southwest of Kiribati, to gauge historical surface water temperatures.
Indeed, forecasters have noted a cool down below the surface of the eastern tropical Pacific in recent weeks, though surface water temperatures are still firmly in El Niño territory.
(The specific dataset used as the foundation of the composition was the Combined Land - Surface Air and Sea - Surface Water Temperature Anomalies Zonal annual means.)
During the drought years of 2012 — 2015, mean monthly water temperatures in the freshwater regions of the Delta from April to July were on average higher than between 1995 and 2011 (two - factor ANOVA, Bonferroni corrected P < 0.01), demonstrating the effects of drought on surface water temperatures (Fig. 1B).
«A recent underwater expedition to the Red Sea offshore from Sudan and Eritrea [18] found surface water temperatures 28 °C in winter and up to 34 °C in the summer, but despite that extreme heat the coral was healthy with much fish life with very little sign of coral bleaching»
«The change in surface water temperature doesn't appear to be a manifestation of global warming, but rather the result of weather and wind patterns that change quickly and vary year to year, Mantua said.»
I had proven that the website operated by the Michigan State University had published ridiculously high surface water temperatures widely distributed over the lake many indicating super-boiling conditions.
The rush to identify El Niño, characterized by the periodic warming of surface water temperatures off the northwestern coast of South America, as California's savior was based in part on the belief that a strong El Niño would bring as much rain as it did in the winters of 1997 - 1998 and 1982 - 1983.
Actual sea surface water temperatures close to shore at DuckPool can vary by several degrees compared with these open water averages.
Actual sea surface water temperatures close to shore at Nanjizal can vary by several degrees compared with these open water averages.
«The predicted changes in surface water temperatures will affect the thermal characteristics of the lakes,» said Dokulil.
In the Indian Ocean Dipole, the surface water temperature of the Indian ocean fluctuates regularly in the ocean's eastern and western parts: When the surface water is warmer in the Western Indian Ocean, the temperatures in the Eastern Indian Ocean tend to be lower, and vice versa.
Actual sea surface water temperatures close to shore at Coxos can vary by several degrees compared with these open water averages.
Actual sea surface water temperatures close to shore at Dabki can vary by several degrees compared with these open water averages.
Alternatively, I might ask whether GCMs predict different sensitivities (e.g., to El Nino years) for near - surface air temperatures versus surface water temperatures.
It is obvious that the higher the surface water temperatures in the path of a hurricane are, the more strength the storm will acquire.
Tenney - you said «It is obvious that the higher the surface water temperatures in the path of a hurricane are, the more strength the storm will acquire.
(B) Surface water temperatures (means ± s.d.) from the predominantly freshwater sampling sites in the San Francisco Estuary / Sacramento — San Joaquin Rivers Delta system, California, USA.
It seems to me that much of the so - called polar warming is because, where the ice has receded, they compare the surface water temperature to the preceding surface ice temperature, which would be invalid, of course.
If we build over 20000 OTEC plants (each about the size of the nearly 7000 oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico) deployed in the tropics, we could generate 5000 GWe of power and reduce the surface water temperature by 1C each decade.
Higher surface water temperatures will promote algal blooms (Hall et al., 2002; Kumagai et al., 2003) and increase the bacteria and fungi content (Environment Canada, 2001).
In these waters, surface water temperatures are about -1.9 °C, the normal salinity of the water keeping it from freezing into ice.
The surface water temperature in Storfjorden on 22 June 2013 was 0.5 °C.
The significance of extant coccolithophores as indicator of ocean water masses, surface water temperature, and palaeoproductivity: a review
Hence, a high concentration of coccoliths leads to a simultaneous increase in surface water temperature and decrease in the temperature of deeper waters.
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