Sentences with phrase «surgery performed»

Spay / neuter is the single most important gift you can give your pet and they are the most common surgeries performed on pets to prevent them from having unwanted litters.
While both spaying and neutering are major surgical procedures, they are also the most common surgeries performed by veterinarians on cats and dogs.
Some of the routine surgeries we perform at our animal vet clinic include spaying and neutering.
Although the number of surgeries performed was significant, they were all performed at a single facility.
Some forms of heart valve surgery are minimally invasive procedures, but many are open - heart surgeries performed in a hospital setting.
Fact: Spay - neuter surgeries are the most common surgeries performed by veterinarians, and also very safe.
The optimum age for a spay is before puberty and is a routine abdominal surgery performed under general anesthesia.
She was responsible for advanced care for pets having specialty surgeries performed as well as intensive care for critical patients.
As it is pretty much like having open heart surgery performed on you with no anesthesia.
Every major surgery we perform begins with proper patient preparation.
Spay - neuter surgeries are the most routine surgeries performed in the veterinary world and are very safe.
A 3rd degree or grade 3 strain is rare but involves a severe or complete rupture of the muscle which may need surgery performed by an orthopedic surgeon.
My surgeries took place over six months In my case, there were three separate surgeries performed over the course of six months.
Many people want to get plastic surgery performed, but have no money set aside to do it.
These dramatic results have led to a rapid increase in the number of weight loss surgeries performed.
Probably the most common soft tissue surgery performed on pets is the removal of masses, or lumps.
Many surgeries we perform are not as common for a family veterinarian and require a certain set of skills and expertise.
Still, it is one of the most frequent surgeries performed on men.
The first complete surgery performed by doctors on one continent controlling robotic instruments on another has gone off without a hitch.
While surgery performed by a veterinarian can correct some of these health hazards, the threat of heat exhaustion will always remain.
We are pleased to offer our clients the option of having their pet's surgery performed using a CO2 laser.
We recently had to have an unexpected surgery performed on our 16 month old puppy.
The best outcome for your cat is to catch a tumor early and have aggressive surgery performed.
Medical malpractice sometimes results in horrible pain and suffering, deadly conditions like cancer not being treated properly, people having the wrong surgeries performed and worse.
The type of valve replacement surgery performed and the valve that was operated on do not matter that much in terms of life insurance.
Multiple surgeries performed under the same anesthesia will be considered as a single event and benefit pay - out will be capped.
If appropriate monitoring is not available, one may find peace of mind to have surgery performed at a veterinary specialty hospital where this level of monitoring is the standard of care.
The pain medications needed will depend on the type of surgery performed.
Would you want to have surgery performed on your brain by an orthopedic knee doctor?
Perhaps the most common soft tissue surgery we perform is the removal of skin tumors.
One study found that surgeries performed by doctors with less experience in them tend to have more complications; look for a surgeon who performs 50 or more a year.
The following is a step - by - step description of a spay and neuter surgery performed at Topaz Veterinary Clinic describing everything that happens and the choices we have made that we believe are the best for our patients.
These vouchers will pay for surgery performed at Palo Alto Animal Services only and not at any other veterinary clinic.
Over the past decade the proportion of cataract surgeries performed at surgery centers increased steadily, reaching 73 percent in 2014, compared to 43.6 percent in 2001.
In the letter to her patients, Dr. Sholar highlighted that eight of the nine suits stemmed from surgery performed through the Medical Cosmetic Center and said that «[i] t is no coincidence» that the claims were filed all very close in time and at a time with other pending litigation against the Medical Cosmetic Center.
Our management team works hard to keep your premiums as low as possible, but there continues to be an overall increase in the frequency of high - value treatments such as anterior cruciate ligament surgeries, cancer treatments including chemotherapy, and foreign body exploratory surgeries performed by veterinarians.
Is that these clients who have had, a bypass surgery performed in the past, will now be eligible for a «high» ranking «Low Table Rate» which are rankings coming in just below standard or «normal».
Veterinary Surgical Associates VSA is an innovative group of veterinary surgeons dedicated to delivering the San Francisco Bay Area with quality surgery performed with the highest consideration for - our patients, their human companions, and the referring veterinarian that entrusts us with the care of them both.
According to the annual plastic surgery statistics report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), there were nearly 1.8 million cosmetic surgeries performed in the US in 2017.
Pitchers such as Brown, 24 - game winner John Smoltz of the Braves, 265 2/3 - inning workhorse Pat Hentgen of the Toronto Blue Jays and Randy Johnson of the Seattle Mariners, who has gone 55 - 16 since 1993 and appears recovered from back surgery performed last September, are anachronisms.
The most common knee surgery performed on seniors is for a meniscus tear.
• GENDER — ACL tears are more common in females than males, and make up approximately 75 percent of the ACL surgeries I perform.
Conversely, the large volume of surgeries performed annually means that the population burden of long - term postoperative opioid use remains significant.»
A study from Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) finds that in morbidly obese patients, bariatric surgery performed prior to a total hip or knee replacement can reduce in - hospital and 90 - day postoperative complications and improve patient health, but it does not reduce the risk of needing a revision surgery.
«Bariatric surgery impacts joint replacement outcomes in very obese patients: Bariatric surgery performed prior to hip or knee replacement can reduce in - hospital and 90 - day postoperative complications.»
During minimally invasive surgeries performed in 42 patients, a fully charged smartphone (iPhone models 4, 5, and 6) was attached to the front of the neuroendoscope by means of an adapter.
One of the first clues that swearing is more than mere language came from a 1965 brain surgery performed at the Omaha Veterans Administration Hospital in Nebraska.
From his balcony, he can see to the building across the street, and in that window is Beatrice (Noomi Rapace), a woman with multiple scars on the left side of her face from reconstructive surgery performed after a car accident.

Phrases with «surgery performed»

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