Sentences with phrase «surgical implants»

"Surgical implants" refers to medical devices that are placed inside a person's body through a surgical procedure. These devices are designed to improve or restore bodily functions, support tissues or organs, or even replace body parts. Full definition
New surgical procedures involve the use of surgical implants.
Between 1998 and 2006, the global giant paid Greek doctors who installed its artificial knees, hips and other surgical implants in patients.
The highest exposure occurs in the workplace and from failed surgical implants.
Metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants generally reflect infrared waves and thus are not heated by this system.
The company press release stated that one in eight surgical implants required repair or device replacement within five years.
«We see a big potential for this research to help people who are paralyzed or have neurodegenerative diseases to become more independent without a need for surgical implants
«The advantage of PLA is that it's used in all kinds of surgical implant devices,» says Dr. Smith.
As a result, they are once more exposed to the risks that are involved with this type of surgical implant procedure.
«Brain pacemaker study shows promise in slowing decline of Alzheimer's: Patients with surgical implant retain functionality longer, improve quality of life.»
Parkinson's Disease Plus with an STN - DBS surgical implant, embedded under my right breast.
Another thing that might make an infection worse are foreign bodies inside of the horse, like surgical implants built to mend broken legs or other such unnatural supports.
KSN - TVFerret receives pacemaker from K - State Veterinary Health CenterKSN - TVMANHATTAN, Kan. (KSNT)-- The Veterinary Health Center at Kansas State University has conducted its first - ever surgical implant of a heart pacemaker in a ferret.
Narrator: Anatomics is a Melbourne based biotechnology and medical device company manufacturing surgical implants for surgeons locally and around the world.
The nanoparticles were 30 - nanometre - wide beads of surgical cobalt - chromium alloy, a material used in much larger pieces to make surgical implants such as hip prostheses.
PETA activists argue that the mission, which involved surgical implants of instruments, is cruel and will yield little new data.
We wouldn't be able to use particle beam cancer treatments, create surgical implants, turn around to talk to the person behind us without getting up, or find a date on our phones without the help of some American geniuses.
Please alert the doctor or a veterinary technician if your pet has a metal surgical implant or a pacemaker as these may not be safe for MRI (remember it is a large magnet).
These devices were surgical implanted into women to treat pelvic problems.
OSHPD abstracting and DRG validation for surgical cases Updating surgical implant logs for DRG validation.
Migration or breakage of surgical implants used to maintain bones in position and infections occur rarely.
Garland Shreves, who founded Phoenix broker Research for Life in 2009, said he invested more than $ 2 million in quality - control procedures and medical equipment, including $ 265,000 on an X-ray machine to scan cadavers for surgical implants.
Parkinson's Disease Plus with an STN - DBS surgical implant, embedded under right breast.
KSNTFerret receives pacemaker from K - State Veterinary Health CenterKSNTMANHATTAN, Kan. (KSNT)-- The Veterinary Health Center at Kansas State University has conducted its first - ever surgical implant of a heart pacemaker in a ferret.
A method of accurately marking the location of surgical implants for their removal was devised with the use of a sterile radiopaque grid.
They're surgical implants
They also envision their technique may be used to manufacture drug capsules and surgical implants, containing cells engineered produce compounds such as glucose, to be released therapeutically over time.
«We think thread - based devices could potentially be used as smart sutures for surgical implants, smart bandages to monitor wound healing, or integrated with textile or fabric as personalized health monitors and point - of - care diagnostics.»
So a surgical implant and nerve stimulation, as extreme as it may sound, could be the answer for many.
We see a big potential for this research to help people who are paralyzed or have neurodegenerative diseases to become more independent without a need for surgical implants,» He said.
In 1983, the FDA approved the use of blood harvested from the animals» hearts in catch - and - release as a standard means of testing drugs and surgical implants for contamination.
But there have been strides recently in a range of other ED treatments too, ranging from over-the-counter pumps to surgical implants and suppositories.
Those with swollen joints or surgical implants, including silicon breast implants, may not respond favourably.
20th Century Fox has released a new viral video titled «» showing young Laura (Dafne Keen) receiving her surgical implant
So svelte Elizabeth is determined to get $ 10,000 for surgical implants, a decision that leads her to steal proceeds from a class car wash, solicit tutoring bribes from unsuspecting parents, and seduce a state official (Thomas Lennon) to get a copy of a standardized test so that she can earn a cash bonus.
The goal of surgery is to remove the damaged tissue in the joint and then stabilize it with a surgical implant.
These breeds are often impregnated by a surgical implant and they don't always go into natural labor, thus needing to go the surgical route.
Although most treatment involves a combination of topical eye drops / ointment and oral or injectable medications, some patients may be candidates for a surgical implant device that slowly releases cyclosporine, an immunomodulatory medication.
A surgical implant that he developed during his residency is currently in widespread use in the treatment of hip dislocations.
But like any surgical implant, they also have risks.
Typical products in this area include products and equipment for orthopedics, cardiology, respiratory equipment, surgical implants, and more.
The candidates they place are shaping the future in medical technology developing applications including diagnostic / analytics devices, health apps for mobile, surgical implants, and scanning technology.
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