Sentences with phrase «surprise development»

This is a rather surprising development in the world of flight simulation.
And despite the absence of suspense, there was a handful of outstanding individual performances and some rather surprising developments on the field.
It's hard to know what to do with surprising developments early in the season.
There are a few surprising developments, many of them involving some awfully creative bodily trauma.
It's one of their busiest days and there are always surprising developments.
The most important and surprising development in the relationship between coal and natural gas has come in the last three years.
The mystery is filled with surprising developments and the solution is a surprise.
«When one thinks of the sad years that have led up to recent events,» noted Lady Mountbatten, «I suppose this was the most surprising development of all.»
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee will run $ 1 million in advertising in the South Dakota Senate race — a welcome, but not surprising development for the campaign of Democrat Rick Weiland.
I think the most surprising development in the last few weeks has been Cheick Diallo's evolution from «guy finally get regular minutes just because we need to give other players a rest» to «guy getting solid minutes because he's actually doing a good job» to tonight when Gentry trusted him over Mirotic down the stretch in a tight game.
Perhaps the least surprising development of the day was Dustin Johnson setting the early pace and going to bed with the 18 - hole.
It was not a wholly surprising development, but is the first tangible moment of fallout for the lawmakers who had comprised the breakaway conference returning to the minority fold.
The event comes after Cuomo solidified his power over the state party picking two co-chairs, not a necessarily surprising development for any state chief executive after being elected.
According to Steele, one of the more surprising developments in real estate capital markets this year has been the impact of technology on real estate.
In addition petitioners should avoid «shifting» their unpatentability arguments in follow - on petitions unless a truly surprising development in the earlier proceeding justifies the shift.
I'm not sure how surprising this development in Genessee County is.
It's not a particularly surprising development, given the fervor that the film has inspired ever since its SXSW unveiling.
These were all pretty surprising developments that, by most accounts, have panned out.
This week's news is filled with HOT topics and surprising developments including Amazon's new plan to reach out to young bookworms, the latest movie deal signed by one Wattpad author, interesting ways short fiction podcasters are monetizing their shows, one author made over $ 40,000 with only two published books, and how a steamy trademark dispute is dividing the indie community.
It's not a terribly surprising development, since Microsoft said last year that the game will support cross-saves between Windows 10 and Xbox One, but it's nice to have it nailed down.
In a somewhat surprising development but one that will be warmly welcomed by the international arbitration community, the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union (AG), Mr Wathelet, has issued an opinion stating that the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic is compatible with EU law.
Several surprising developments this week deepened the mystery of where the Mt. Gox bitcoins are.
A rather surprising development, although few people are actively looking to pay in Bitcoin when they grab a bite.
In a very troubling but not surprising development, the airline industry is planning on pricing plane tickets based upon their passengers digital profiles and other personal -LSB-...]
Perhaps the most surprising development on the list was the increase in South Korean artists, who overtook Chinese artists to occupy more spots than any other single country on the list.
It may turn out that Hamilton will wind up in hell just as many of his critics expect him to; but if so, I hope his critics are prepared for a most surprising development — that he will be there engaged in animated conversation, with Jesus.
In possibly the least surprising development in the fast - changing, newly - liberalised legal services landscape, on 20 August Irwin Mitchell became the largest firm to adopt the alternative business structure (ABS) model and the first firm to be granted multiple licences by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
It's not a wholly surprising development, given that Saland was leading in the absentee ballot count after this month's primary election, but it is an important one for Senate Republicans, given the concern that Di Carlo's gaining of Row B would give Democratic candidate Terry Gipson an edge in winning this November.
What the film does have going for it is a ghostly atmosphere that leads to a few surprising developments, including some color effects and a charmingly off - the - wall musical number.
This franchise has been one of the more surprising developments to happen over the last few years as Paramount, J.J. Abrams, and his studio Bad Robot develop an atypical «franchise.»
«At first, we started talking about cat love and cat video obsession, but what we found to be the truly surprising development is the dichotomy between the cats we love and spoil and the equal number of feral cats living on the street.
Plus, surprising developments in Helen's life reveal unexpected emotions.
This was the fallout the day after a surprise development when the president met senators from farm states being battered by poor commodity prices, tariff threats and trade uncertainty and he instructed his adviser Larry Kudlow to, «Go get it done (on TPP).»
While it may not be a surprising development, it's a meaningful one to advertisers desperate for consumers» attention.
That is a surprising development, although one that comes at a...
In a surprise development, Paris has emerged as the biggest winner in the fight for London - based banking jobs that may be moved to cities in the EU after Brexit, the survey found.
The Aristotelian turn in After Virtue is not the surprise development it has been taken to be.
In a surprising development...
In a surprising development only announced in November, Professor Ian Wilmut, the pioneer of cloning techniques, has decided not to pursue human cloning, even though granted a licence to do so.
It's a surprising development after the Capitals won the Presidents» Trophy this month and the Leafs won the draft lottery less than a year ago, but that's the reality.
This is a surprise development in a saga that has made some headlines recently, with the Sun claiming Chelsea and Real were in a battle over the # 100million - rated forward.
In a surprise development, Bayern manager Jupp Heynckes even admitted he hadn't ever seen the youngster play.
This is no longer the surprising development it once was.
The Giants can parlay the surprising development of Matt Duffy and Joe Panik, along with the team - friendly Madison Bumgarner contract, into a premium pitcher.
However, in a surprise development, as reported by Corriere dello Sport, it's claimed that United are preparing an offer of $ 100m to prise him away from the Ligue 1 champions.
In a surprising development, Russia's Ekaterina Poistogova finished in third place to capture the bronze medal.
Whether City would be prepared to back down over Evans and clear the path for Arsenal in an attempt to facilitate a move for Sanchez is unclear although that would be a surprise development given the onus Pep Guardiola has placed on signing a centre - half before the transfer window closes on Thursday.
Sean Coffey has landed the second newspaper endorsement of his AG bid from the Irish Voice — a not - so - surprising development, considering the fact that he is a first - generation Irish - American.
The decision was, in itself, another surprising development, reversing a ruling by the same court not even two years ago.
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