Sentences with phrase «surprise to many of someone»

The results were fascinating, although not surprising to those of us who only use positive methods.
If wenger signs a striker I suspect the name will come as a complete surprise to all of us.
One of the biggest surprises to those of us who come to ebook development from the web development side of things is the scarcity of documentation.
All these concerns may seem surprising to some of you but they are the real facts because any successful women will never prefer to date a person who need nurse with purse.
But look, crazy investors & share prices are no real surprise to any of us.
And what we found was concerning, if not totally surprising to those of us who've been in the insurance business for a while.
The fact that Skyrim is taking the number one slot on my list should hardly come as surprise to any of you.
The bit of revisionist history (summarized by Scott McLemee) concerning the decline of mainline denominations in the U.S. that David Hollinger offers will, I suspect, not be overly surprising to those of us who have actually experienced the seemingly chronic inability of many mainline Protestant....
Nothing is really surprising to those of us who know and understand what the Word of God says.
The FHA mortgage insurance rate reduction came as a giant unanticipated surprise to all of us in the mortgage world.
What was obvious — but far from surprising to those of us who have been in this area for a while — throughout the panel discussion was that all these changes happen through and as a result of technology.
The results of the ERIAL Project (Ethnographic Research in Illinois Academic Libraries) are perhaps not very surprising to those of us who work with the students that the literature has dubbed «digital natives» — but they are nonetheless very interesting and instructive.
«However, it came as a complete surprise to all of us that this thermophilic snake actually «overwintered» in Central Europe during the Pleistocene Ice Age,» explains Professor Dr. Uwe Fritz, director of the Senckenberg Natural History Collections in Dresden.
The big day from Hu wasn't a big surprise to any of the Wildcats, as she's come in under par in each of their 18 - hole tournaments this season.
Daniel Hugill, Chair, National Association of Teachers of RE said: «It is of little surprise to those of us who teach RS that it remains so popular amongst young people.
I'm so sold, but that's probably not surprising to any of you;)
«I think that's a little bit of a surprise to some of us, that it's this big, that it's this prevalent.
This is no surprise to those of us who cowork.
Of course, this is not surprising to those of us who look upon the Bible as the inspired Word of God.
But in the end, after all that back - and - forth, since this much - beloved baby was a bit of a surprise to all of us, we decided that NOW is a good time to finally do a bit of planning.
She has, they say, a respect for what the framers meant by the Constitution, and therefore may turn out to be a surprise to some of her judicially activist supporters.
I don't think it'll come to a surprise to any of my readers that I don't have any sort of food allergy or dietary preference that keeps me from eating vegetarian or vegan.
Front - running GOP gubernatorial hopeful Marc Molinaro has told party leaders that he didn't vote for Trump in the 2016 election — a surprise to some of his supporters and GOP officials.
But this latest development comes as no surprise to those of us who have been watching the evolution of the Conservative government's commitment to making the UK a «hostile environment» for illegal immigrants.
This intriguing revelation by the ICC didn't come as a surprise to some of us who have been following this case since 2010 and have always been of the view that the Supreme Court of Ghana erred in linking Mr.Woyome's claims for works done for the state in 2005 to a waterville contract in 2006 on which basis it asked Mr.Woyome to refund all his entitlement paid him.
It comes as a surprise to some of us and we begin to wonder what value you attach to your Awards.
``... So long as the party is concerned, the party has not made any statement or come together to think of anything of that nature, so for the Chairman to go out to make that statement is a surprise to some of us.
I told him one of his gifts was something I ordered, but the particular things would be a surprise to both of us when he opened it.
«This came as quite a surprise to all of us.»
Some 75 percent of Breus» patients say they can't switch off their brains at night — no surprise to any of you who shoot off e-mails and brainstorm to - do lists even after your head has hit the pillow.
It may come as a surprise to some of her patients when she asks about their eating and lifestyle habits, but this skin pro knows that the complexion truly reflects what's going on inside.
It may come as a surprise to some of her patients when she asks about their eating and lifestyle habits, but this skin pro...
If you follow my Instagram stories then you'll alway be up - to - date with my outfit obsessions, so it won't be a surprise to some of you that today's outfit post is styling up a combination I've shared a lot recently.
I'm sure this decision will come as a surprise to some of you who have followed my blog and / or online boutique for the past five years and I feel like I owe everyone an explanation for this turn of events.
Of course this sex video comes as no surprise to us
But (and this may actually be a surprise to some of you), they rarely lie about anything major.
Paper Mario: Sticker Star: It's no surprise to some of you that I dislike this game.
What gives this title credence is that had it been revealed prior, we'd have known for a fact that Thanos leaves our heroes broken and defeated at the end of Infinity War, and while it's little surprise to those of us who live and breathe comics, the average moviegoer likely wasn't expecting such a massive loss of life.
This style of filmmaking should not come as a surprise to those of us who religiously follow Paul Feig's comedies.
No surprise to those of us who grew up in them.
This insight is no surprise to those of us who have long championed curriculum and rich academic content as ed reform's great un-pulled lever — or who support Common Core simply because it puts curriculum onto the reform agenda.
This development was not surprising to any of the mathematicians with whom I had been working — most of them Democrats, like me.
This is of course no surprise to those of us who have been excited about blended - learning models that personalize learning for students.
Nick Beall, Facilities Service Manager at Newcastle University comments: «The results of the Scottish Student Sport Research Report into the positive benefits of physical activity come as no surprise to those of us who are at the forefront of this type of service delivery in Higher Education.
This finding does not come as a surprise to those of us who study school choice.
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