Sentences with phrase «surprise to some»

This time around it isn't quite as surprising to see him ace the role, but it's just as enjoyable.
As such, it is not surprising to find many traders questioning the reliability of this broker.
I'm not surprised to learn of a decline in posts, but in my view, the decline shows that blogging is even more entrenched and accepted rather than less.
Yeah, but those systems have been out for years now so it's not as surprising to me.
Would not surprise me to see how it's treated change in the years to come as «gambling» in games is becoming a problem.
He was pleasantly surprised to hear that it wouldn't happen with our cake — vegan cakes are actually much more inclusive than regular lactose - attack - inducing cakes.
The results are probably not too surprising to many of you.
Thing people would be most surprised to know about you?
I was pleasantly surprised to discover how much both my son and I liked his daycare and how happy he was there.
As I mentioned back in an early report, I was very pleasantly surprised to find the opposite.
I'd say there will be still lots of surprises to come.
People will be very surprised to learn what we really believe.
Good managers make it look easy so the realities of management come as a a big surprise to most people.
I'm a little surprised to find someone else my age looking into this.
I was so surprised to see more natural ingredients in the chicken soup for puppies / adult dogs than in the higher - priced brands you chose to do a comparison on.
They are often quite surprised to learn that a regular lawsuit will likely take years to run its course.
That's not an entirely new argument, but I'm a bit surprised to hear it from you.
So is anyone really surprised to see them going for the same price as a flat screen TV?
I am sure that there are many more surprises to come.
He says that it is a big surprise to find that any kind of walker, even a theoretical one, can move without losing energy to collisions with the ground.
I was also surprised to learn how little job seekers at all levels knew about landing a job.
What a pleasant surprise to know that you have worked in the industry for so long.
The scientists weren't too surprised to find that people fell asleep faster when the bed rocked.
I think special touches throughout are nice surprises to find as I make my way around my home.
I was SO surprised to get a unanimous vote for a sheet cake.
The records are often weird and wonderful as well as informative and fun making for a great read and I was often surprised to discover what records some games hold.
I'm always surprised to hear when a self published author makes the transition to the traditional market.
The results are probably not so surprising to people who've followed the series so far.
So it's somewhat surprising to see lending rates drop for the last three weeks in a row.
But we actually looked into it and what we found was very surprising to everyone.
You will be pleasantly surprised to receive more and more interests with time.
And I'm also surprised to say that I had so much fun talking to someone about insurance, which I don't think has ever happened to me before.
Some mothers are actually quite surprised to realize their pain goes down a whole lot.
It will probably surprise you to learn that almost ALL scale movements are the result of fat burn that happened days, or even weeks ago!
It wouldn't be a huge surprise to see those show up.
Needless to say, this pregnancy was totally unexpected and a complete surprise to everyone, my best friend included.
I don't know how that can come as a great surprise to anyone with much experience in human friendship, whether same - sex or different - sex.
It is full of surprises to meet someone new and talk about random topics.
The problems highlighted may not be particularly surprising to long - standing observers of British elections.
It's pretty surprising to hear an actor talk so openly about his issues with his own roles.
Usually these notices come as a complete surprise to parents, who have been paying attention to their children's report cards and have seen little to indicate that there was a problem.
They were a bit bitter and oily but not a trace of heat, which is a real surprise to find in a wild pepper.
Wouldn't they be happily surprised to know that you thought of them in this way.
Perhaps surprising to some, is that most pro traders do not rely heavily on economic news or other fundamentals to enter and exit the market.
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