Sentences with phrase «surrounded by enemies»

When you're surrounded by enemies, battles become a frantic and frenzied mix of careful observation and furious sword swinging.
Special tokens are hidden around and surrounded by enemies; if you can manage to hold onto these tokens for a few seconds they will add to your score for the level.
The same input is used for movement, which means you can really only fire at a few angles while running forward, but all you need to do when surrounded by enemies is hold another button to stand your ground and aim freely.
At night, when you're surrounded by enemies, things can slow to a crawl and that definitely hurts the overall experience a bit.
When surrounded by enemies, you'll have to «hit and hope for the best» as you can't properly target / lock on an enemy.
Fighting is easy enough to understand and get the hang of, but when you are often surrounded by enemies and they're all laying into you like a punching bag is when you start yelling at the TV and panicking about how many deaths you've had so far.
The energy sword is best used when players are surrounded by enemies.
This was very apparent in any of the many areas where we found ourselves surrounded by enemies.
Your character stands in the centre of the stage, completely surrounded by enemies.
For the cons of Blood Wake, some missions are extremely challenging and backing boats up is not an easy task in tight areas or when you're surrounded by enemies.
Considering how easily you can get surrounded by enemies, making it hard to move around, you can expect to get surprised by this attack pretty frequently.
If you hit the Z button while surrounded by enemies, Link will face one of the enemies until you have pressed this button again or until you kill the enemy you a facing.
Incoming enemy bullets also stun lock the character, so movement is often frustrating when surrounded by enemies.
However, you will find yourself surrounded by enemies frequently, making melee necessary.
But watch your back, you could be surrounded by enemies.
It might be impeccably precise to draw the path for a boomerang, but try to control Link in a tight area surrounded by enemies and lava?
You get use it it after a while, but it can be frustrating when you're surrounded by enemies and it locks on to someone a couple blocks away.
«I'm not saying I hate tutorials in video games,» says designer Michael Stearns, «but this game starts out by telling you the functions of two buttons and then sets you on a mountain surrounded by enemies where you will surely die.»
When you're surrounded by enemies and dancing over the various attack buttons, calling in arrows from Atreus while blocking at the exact right moment to stun your enemy, you might find yourself entering a kind of trance where you're locked so tightly into the rhythms of that combat that everything else momentarily fades away.
When surrounded by enemies your Rift energy will also regenerate faster.
The biggest failing in the game's combat — by far - is the the faulty lock - on system which works fine for when you want to find an enemy and hone in on them but when you're in close quarters surrounded by enemies it really lets the player down.
Admittedly, when you are in the thick of combat and surrounded by enemies the above is not an issue.
The 3D effect is nice but I noticed the game couldn't keep a steady frame - rate when it's on and you're surrounded by enemies.
Bombing is a life - saving skill when you are surrounded by enemies; it literally nukes weaker creatures and stuns stronger ones.
This is a game where you are frequently surrounded by enemies on all sides, so it's practically impossible to time attacks so that you can finish up the animations before needing to roll away.
Styx is a squishy soul and if you get surrounded by enemies than you will be dealt with.
Block is almost like the bomb skill, and you use it when you're surrounded by enemies.
After Cicero's tactical masterstroke on that first day, Verres and his advocates resembled nothing so much as the victims of a siege: holed up in their little fortress, surrounded by their enemies, battered day after day by a rain of missiles, and their crumbling walls undermined by tunnels.
I can't say that I've seen any of the problems that Dan has reported (glitched quests that can't be completed, an escort mission that respawns players in a location surrounded by enemies, and so on.)
The new building mechanics can be a life saver if you surrounded by enemies, although I was mostly on the offensive side of combat so I didn't rely on it much.
Surrounded by enemies calling for its destruction, Israel is a tiny state with no defensible borders, certainly not in its pre-Six Day War version, having thus almost no margin of error.
I thought, if I were surrounded by enemies, who were venting their malice and cruelty upon me, in tormenting me, it would still be impossible that I should cherish any feelings towards them but those of love, and pity, and ardent desires for their happiness.
Or until we notice that the table spread with abundant food also happens to be surrounded by enemies.
A newspaper cartoon depicts two men tied to a post and surrounded by enemies.
Because they got their back to the water and their face to the sand, surrounded by enemies without natural resources,» McKenna said.
With weak oil prices and international sanctions crushing Russia's economy, «Putin has little else to offer to the public besides the classic narratives of Russia as a besieged fortress surrounded by enemies,» Borschevskaya said.
Russia like us is hungry for power and control as the devil convinces us that we are all surrounded by the enemy.
«Dunkirk» «Dunkirk» opens as hundreds of thousands of British and Allied troops are surrounded by enemy forces.
Following this week's promo and three teasers for Dunkirk [check them out here], Warner Bros. has now debuted the main trailer director Christopher Nolan's hotly - anticipated World War II epic, which you can watch right here... SEE ALSO: Christopher Nolan explains Dunkirk's PG - 13 rating «Dunkirk opens as hundreds of thousands of British and Allied troops are surrounded by enemy forces.
SYNOPSIS «Dunkirk» opens as hundreds of thousands of British and Allied troops are surrounded by enemy forces.
But with so many British and Allied soldiers stranded on the French beaches in 1940, surrounded by enemy planes at every turn, the probability of their evacuation seemed miniscule, the probability of German invasion extremely likely.
Like VC fighters hacking their way through Vietnam's jungles in order to keep the Ho Chi Minh trail open and supplies flowing we find ourselves in the thick of auto - show season, surrounded by enemy combatants... or perhaps just journalists from other publications.
Alone and surrounded by the enemy, even a special forces agent will find it tough to come out alive.

Not exact matches

Our conversation concluded with him saying, «Yes, we live surrounded by those who claim to be our enemies, but we refuse to be enemies.
In biblical Hebrew, yeshu'ah is a distinctly here - and - now word: we are up to our neck in trouble, surrounded by implacable enemies, and we trust in, or implore, God to get us out.
Actually, this law warned Israel against following the barbaric practices of surrounding nations, who defiled the corpses of criminals and enemies by displaying them until they rotted.
@Deb Well then I hope you die gloriously in battle, surrounded by the corpses of your slain enemies.
This minuscule group of people at the heart of the Bible's drama, who are to this day the center of much of the world's drama; and surrounded on all sides by their enemies, just as the Bible prophesied over 2,000 years ago.
It claimed the lives of many enemy soldiers but also resulted in the farmhouse being surrounded by the Germans.
Russia is a huge country surrounded by former Soviet republics (many of whom it has a strained relationship with) and potential nuclear enemies (China and North Korea).
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