Sentences with phrase «surrounding bones and muscles»

Sometimes the spinal cord itself is damaged and in other cases the surrounding bones and muscles are injured which in turn affect the spinal cord.

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The baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid, which contains shock - absorbing properties, as well as by durable membranes and the muscle and bones of our uterus and abdominal cavity.
The surgical technique, described recently in the journal Orthopedics, required Brien to remove Lovett's tumor and damaged bone in its entirety, replace it with a prosthetic and then reconnect his hip and surrounding muscle to the prosthetic implant.
Unlike arms and legs that rely on bones to behave in a familiar way, like classical levers, tongues operate bonelessly like the tentacles of an octopus, with the motion of any lone muscle depending on the activity of surrounding muscles in a complex manner that researchers do not yet fully grasp.
Moreover, treatment with a drug that paralyzed the muscles surrounding the fracture prevented normal bone growth and bone realignment, suggesting that muscle contraction plays a critical role in the repair process.
An electromagnetic coil around a limb would selectively heat metal in an artificial joint (shown inside coil) without hurting any surrounding muscle and bone.
This is basically connective tissue surrounding the muscles, nerves, bones, and blood vessels that is extremely fibrous and dense.
Of course, we're hearing more and more than the best way to preserve bone health is to strengthen the surrounding muscles (which in turn apply torque that stimulates bone growth and repair).
«Muscle / tendon imbalances can occur because bone can grow faster than the surrounding muscles and tendons.
Protects the back and joints from injury: The best way to protect your bones and joints is to ensure their surrounding muscles are strong enough to support them.
This three - dimensional complex matrix threads itself throughout our body, surrounding our muscles, organs, nerves, bones, blood vessels and even our cells.
Obviously one of the components of the joint is the bone itself, which are lined with cartilage and a joint capsule for smooth movement, and which are surrounded by muscle, tendons and ligaments which control the stability and mobility of the joint.
Named after its founder, biochemist Ida P. Rolf, PhD, this form of bodywork reorganizes the connective tissues — called fascia — that surround, support, and penetrate all of the muscles, bones, nerves, and internal organs.
When you learn to align your bones, the surrounding muscles and connective tissue can relax instead of gripping or overworking, and your posture will begin to feel effortless.
Luckily, vitamin D actively works to strengthen your bones and to keep the muscles and tissues surrounding them functioning properly.
It stabilizes that joint and, when partially torn or completely ruptured, leaves only muscles and surrounding soft tissue to hold the two lower leg bones and the upper thigh bone in place (these bones are the tibia, fibula and femur, respectively).
The groove that the patella rides in is not deep enough, or the joint capsule that surrounds the joint is not tight enough to hold the patella in place, or the medial thigh muscles pull the knee cap medially, and / or the defect in alignment of the bones above and below the patella pull it in the wrong direction.
Your spine is comprised of 33 different bones and it is surrounded by muscles and tissue that that go up and down your back from your pelvis up to your skull.
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