Sentences with phrase «surrounding people»

I am equipped with an excellent memory and awareness of surrounding people, events and facilities.
It's important to surround this person with love and remind them that it's okay to continue living life.
The judgment of the person's driving education is impaired and may not be straight due to the emotions that surround the people in the car.
20 % survival means 20 %, whether prayers surround that person or not.
Whether the condition is occurring or not, make sure you and surrounding people do not talk about it.
There could be a lot of reasons for this: people don't know they're eligible, the process for applying is confusing and cumbersome, and there's a stigma surrounding people who use these programs.
The stigma surrounding people with severe mental illness in India leads to increased poverty among them, especially women, according to new research led by Jean - Francois Trani, PhD, assistant professor at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis.
What stereotypes surround people on the autism spectrum?
Third, physical and virtual worlds are coming together to create richer experiences that understand the context surrounding people, the things they use, the places they go, and their activities and relationships.
An army of badasses usually surround the people who achieve greatness.
The biblical teaching, after all, was not aimed at one or another of the various theories developed in the history of modern science but at the cosmological understandings of origins found among surrounding peoples.
Genesis, on the other hand, portrays the One God who has created all that which surrounding people worship as the divinities of nature.
The new world has been effectively destroying Christian mythology, but the mythology surrounding the person of Jesus has been the last bulwark of orthodoxy.
The monarchs of the Davidic kingdoms were constantly subjected to the pressures and temptations by the despotic rules of the empires and kingdoms surrounding the people of Israel (I Kings 21:1 - 15).
The culture of Baalism surrounded the people of God; and the culture of the imperial powers of Egypt, Babylon and Assyria encroached against the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
all great points, not only surround this person with talented receivers but coaches and a game plans that fits ie NE.
Please surround this person with talent and protect them, #hurrydraft
But even though a «Dear Birthmother» letter is a great way to share details about your life and your hopes and dreams for the future, there are many misconceptions surrounding the people who will ultimately read it and what to put inside it.
Sites surround yourself people who arent interested in anything but sex offered, then delivery should.
Insurgent even has massive fence surrounding the people and protecting them from unknown dangers on the outside like The Maze Runner.
«I've seen one very large change in my lifetime surrounding people's drinking habits.
And, the authors note, it's a human trait to look for the source of a problem in the behavior of people involved rather than the system surrounding those people — what some call the Fundamental Attribution Error.
My goal is to help provide hope to Canadians in debt by sharing my experience, and advice as a consumer — and also to help eliminate the stigma and embarrassment surrounding people who file a consumer proposal or bankruptcy.
The architecture and landscape surrounding the people in my images act as a backdrop that suggests Tulsa's connection to 1950's and 1960's Americana, while also addressing the lingering effects of rooted class divisions still apparent in the city's urban neighborhoods.
When the air surrounding the person is cool enough, the sweating process is generally effective.
Adept at handling crises situations in a prompt manner, in a bid to save clients and surrounding people from harm.
This exhibition confronts the stereotypes surrounding the people, landscapes, and cultures of the region, and provides the eye - opening information about the political and social issues.
Fire Security Officer 12/2007 - 12/2011 Securitas Security Services USA Detroit,... Summary Security Guard equipped with an excellent memory and awareness of surrounding people, events... driving record for more than 5 years.
A common barrier to working with prisoners is the many myths that surround people who are or have been incarcerated.
She has been a vital person in bridging the gap between science and politics and her vast network and the strong respect that surrounds her person will be of great value to the Global Opportunity Network,» says Erik Rasmussen, founder and CEO of Monday Morning Global Institute and member of the Steering Committee for the network.
And the condemnation of the golden calf, or of Jeroboam's calves, is not aimed at the adoration of foreign deities, the gods of the surrounding peoples, the idols that imitate other people's idols.
I thought that progressive theologians say that these things are symbolic, moral stories, a bit like Aesop's Fables — that unlike the surrounding peoples of Canaan, the Jews should stop sacrificing children, but nobody actually thinks that it's real.»
The Hebrew, unlike many of the surrounding peoples, was little interested in the mystical vision of God.
Just as Israel was called to provide a witness and a testimony to the surrounding people about the goodness and graciousness of God, to be God's voice, hands, and feet on earth, and to call all people to turn from their destructive ways and follow God's righteous ways instead, so also, this is the task of the church (cf. Col 3:12; 1 Pet 1:1 - 2; 2:8 - 9).
Clemente describes Sandusky as a «nice - guy» child sex offender who was in the top 1 % of «groomers,» or those who gain the trust and silence of victims and the unwitting cooperation of surrounding people.
The ReelAbilities Film Festival is a celebration of inclusion and awareness surrounding people of different abilities.
At this time, your baby will try to start the conversation with surrounding peoples and express emotion.
Sometimes it can be imitation of a wrong pronunciation of surrounding people — not only of adults, but of peers as well.
If the word «aura» is totally foreign to you, an aura is basically the psychic energy field that surrounds each person.
I'm very social and I'm always glad to communicate with my surrounding people.
She's constantly at odds with the motel's exasperated but caring day manager, Bobby (Willem Dafoe), who has a fatherly attitude toward the children, despite the litany of messes they inflict on the surrounding people that he is forced to clean up.
The objectives of special art education are focused not only on the pupils having special educational needs, but also to the surrounding people — teachers, classmates, family, society, and even more, to their mutual interactions.
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