Sentences with phrase «surveying thousands of graduate»

We're surveying thousands of graduate and intern recruits to get an honest opinion of what they really think of the organisation they work for so that you get a 360 - degree view of what it's like to work there.

Not exact matches

This past summer, the Garland Independent School District administered the Harvard Graduate School of Education PreK — 12 Parent Survey to thousands of its parents.
Beyond helping schools directly, data from Tripod surveys provide the AGI, graduate students, and research colleagues with a way study opportunity patterns in tens of thousands of classrooms from around the nation.
CSOs would rather help students and grads, but between December and February, they must devote thousands of hours to completing the annual employment survey which they report to Deans and to NALP for its annual Jobs & JDs: Employment and Salaries of New Graduates, to USNews, to the ABA in a slightly different format, and, for those not following the news, to a set of yet - to - be-named committees and institutions which will likely ask for other data sets.
The sector winners are chosen on the basis of the trendence Graduate Barometer survey, which we invite you to take part in every year, and which pulls in votes from thousands of students.
Every year we ask thousands of students to take part in the trendence Graduate Barometer survey.
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