Sentences with phrase «survival mechanisms»

They are survival mechanisms that are normal and should be approached gently and with acute awareness of the coping behavior.
In this fearful state, they begin to react based on wired - in survival mechanisms.
Just as the physical body develops survival mechanisms, so does the psyche by developing ways of perceiving and responding in a way that facilitates spiritual growth.
Water is an extremely facinating piece of engineering that has developed survival mechanisms to try and stay as a large mass.
Marc Quinn began his career exploring issues such as the relation between art and science, the human body and its survival mechanisms, life and its preservation, and beauty and death.
Few people recognize that many of the higher social animals have survival mechanisms built into them to help them identify enemies.
It's one of our survival mechanisms — and our own.
Deep breathing dissipates some of the energy created by our classic survival mechanisms, increases our oxygen levels and relaxes our body.
Reading the results of Riley's survey and observing the systems, environments and day - to - day challenges faced by those working in our schools, it can be readily interpreted that many of these challenges can easily be perceived by school staff as threats, therefore undermining their wellbeing if they respond with classic survival mechanisms.
There probably isn't another film in the Oscar race (other than maybe The Road, which unfortunately isn't really in the race at all) that strips down the survival mechanisms within us.
As part of human's evolutionary survival mechanisms, the body's fight - or - flight response is automatically triggered when the brain perceives a threat.
During a trauma, you know, your survival mechanisms take over and you just do what you have to do, but so — so it — it's for me and I — I see this for a lot of people, and I hear this from a lot of the survivors who connect with me that fear of recovery is one of the biggest blocks to recovery.
Calorie counting, exercising more but going hungry, extreme diets — these approaches may work in the short term but they pit the individual against primal survival mechanisms and can be metabolically and psychologically damaging.
Mother Nature is pretty cool, and most plants and animals have survival mechanisms to ensure their existence (and of their offspring).
All of the long - term survival mechanisms that are not needed in that immediate moment take a back seat, such as reproductive function, digestion, hormone balancing, metabolism and detoxification.
The continuous feedback of «stress» that we give to our unconscious makes it feel more under «threat» and it keeps on triggering those survival mechanisms.
Why this method actually works, is that this creates a lowered insulin supply which in turn triggers the body's evolutionary survival mechanisms.
Finally, due to our inherent survival mechanisms, just the sight or smell of food can make you hungry, even if there's no physiological need for calories or nutrients, which is why buffets can be a very risky experience if you're limiting calories.
It doesn't matter what type of exercise you are performing — our most primitive survival mechanisms require our bodies to adapt.
In the future, it might mean that we could develop drugs that specifically damage these survival mechanisms
By understanding the survival factors that keep cancer cells alive we aim to develop new and effective drugs that can activate natural cell death or inhibit impaired survival mechanisms in tumour cells.
Behaviors that evolved as survival mechanisms to ensure that an animal feeds itself become inconvenient and potentially detrimental side effects in industrialized human populations where cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity, rather than starvation, pose greater risks to long - term survival.
Also, the AIDs virus mutation, as - well - as the flu, common cold, etc. etc, are inherent survival mechanisms the the virus possesses.
Adrenaline is the source of the «fight - or - flight» response, a survival mechanism that forces you to stand up and fight or run for the hills when faced with a threat.
Just thinking about the event sends your body into fight - or - flight mode, a survival mechanism that forces you to stand up and fight or run for the hills when faced with a threat.
Our need for certainty is a survival mechanism.
«That's sort of a survival mechanism,» Hardwick confides.
This so - called «optimism bias» can be a hell of a survival mechanism in the all - encompassing, high - stakes process of building a business, but it can also serve to downplay real problems — especially little ones that appear inconsequential and are easy to justify.
My theory: Even though we aren't often subjected to physical harm today, this ancient survival mechanism remains.
First impressions are a survival mechanism, a way to instinctively react to external stimuli and decide whether you should stay or flee.
This survival mechanism makes it very hard to meet someone without evaluating and interpreting their behavior.
It could be some sort of evolutionary survival mechanism.
She has learned to lie as a survival mechanism, to give hope in the face of despair just to make people «better.»
It actually isn't needed for the survival mechanism of consciousness like behavior.
Cognitive dissonance (except when required as a survival mechanism in cases of severe trauma) is a sign of mental illness.
1) We're highly evolved primates 2) We have overactive imaginations 3) Our greatest evolutionary asset, our large and highly-folded brains, are also responsible for an insatiable curiosity 4) As a species, and a survival tactic, we make things up to comfort ourselves in difficult times 5) As a complex societal species, we create commonalities and «traditions» with others in our clan / tribe / community 6) These «traditions» result in security, trust, and strong relationships that make the collective more able to survive than the individual 7) These common beliefs also act as a means of numbing the brain to questions and concerns without legitimate or tangible answers 8) Religion is simply a survival mechanism 9) When we die, we simple «are not alive» anymore.
altruism, sympathy, and empathy exist within the human brain as a survival mechanism for ourselves and ultimately our tribe.
To legalize prostitution would condone it as a survival mechanism for women who have no education or job skills, and whose self - esteem is minimal because of a life of abuse.
Could it be an involuntary survival mechanism?
It's simply another aspect of evolution manifesting itself, deception is a survival mechanism, political and religious leaders have mastered it.
This survival mechanism, called dormancy, helps prevent germination in the fall, just before cold weather would kill the seedlings.
Cornering Coughlin and forcing him to confront the possiblility of not being a head NFL coach triggers the most powerful survival mechanism known to man.
This appears to be a survival mechanism designed to keep baby and mother, or primary caregiver, close together.
When the calls of the infant go unanswered, Bergman elaborates, «a deeper survival mechanism kicks in, based on the logic that the mother who does NOT pick up the baby is probably in greater danger herself... and so crying is endangering the mother and the baby, so baby stops crying».
The false self seeks to anticipate and comply with the needs and demands of others as a defense and survival mechanism.
They learn to detach as a survival mechanism when their needs aren't meant.
This is a basic survival mechanism to preserve homeostasis, not a sign that you have «taught» a baby to self — settle or sleep.
Eating is an essential survival mechanism, it only makes sense that a human child will instinctively begin eating when she is developmentally ready to do so, just as she will begin to sit up, walk, and communicate, all on her own with no specialized instruction or coercion from her parents.
Research suggests that as an evolutionary survival mechanism, the body conserves NAD + when subjected to calorie restriction.
And yet wakefulness is a completely normal survival mechanism, programmed into babies to make sure they get enough food to grow.
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