Sentences with phrase «survival of our species»

Contraception is a personal choice and from a purely survival of species perspective, take a look at who practices contraception and which groups do not.
Survival of the species depends on it.
Perhaps you have the meaning of God confused with the survival of the species.
Because it absorbs sunlight better, which is required for the processing of vitamin D. Genetic differences that are advantageous to the survival of the species have a higher rate of survival and reproduction, and over eons of time, through geographic isolation and genetic draft, new species arise from the old.
She doesn't have the least interest in our god - given human hunger for meaning and transcendent values all Mother Nature cares about is the survival of the species which requires getting the DNA from one generation to the next and providing for the young until they are self - sufficient enough to sustain their own lives and we are the venue.
Morality, love, ethics are all natural human characteristics which are based on survival of the species and evolve from societal needs.
At this point, hopefully, I've shown that injustice, while a vexation to be overcome as best we can, is a fundamental component needed for the survival of the species.
It is part of the survival of our species.
Through the evolutionary scope, you get that morality is a learned or a series of adopted behavior to ensure the survival of the species.
In the second place, evolutionary theory insists that an impersonal and ruthless process known as natural selection is the sole and sufficient explanation for the survival of some species and the extinction of others.
A consequence of this behavior is the survival of the species.
But it would be ridiculous to postulate that the subjective aim of the wasp was the survival of the species.
What scientist would use that size to make social policy for the survival of the species?
What social scientist would press social policy on that data size for the survival of the species?
i mean honestly the one thing that is absolutely guaranteed to see the survival of our species is bad?
Shade coffee farms may be extremely important to the survival of these species.
That initial swoon over a new baby is more than just love; it's a series of chemicals signaling the brain to care for this helpless infant, and ultimately can help explain the survival of our species.
The reproduction is needed for the survival of the species, and the female is closer to the reproduction process.
But older people need to find some other way that they can contribute to the survival of the species
I know, it helps with the survival of the species, but I am really so over worrying about my kids in scenarios that are not.
Pheromones are widely recognized as a mediator promoting survival of each species.
The seed is the nucleus of a plant, the part that maintains survival of the species, and the part that is most important to nature.
Pheromones are widely recognized as a mediatorpromoting survival of each species.
In Milk, Money and Madness, The Culture and Politics of Breastfeeding, Naomi Baumslag and Dia Michels address the fact that an «intimate and self - affirming life experience that is responsible for the survival of our species has been reduced to «just one feeding option»» at best and «a confining form of servitude» at worst.
According to Charles Darwin the ability to adapt to new conditions is essential for survival of species.
The institution of grandmothering can be seen across cultures, but is it really necessary for the survival of the species?
If many people want giraffe parts, the demand can be too high for survival of the species.
The finding could be important for the survival of the species.
The effects of these cancers have been devastating, wiping out 90 % of the devils in some parts of Tasmania and threatening the survival of the species.
What began with one individual has now spread rapidly throughout the population of devils in Tasmania, killing almost all the animals and threatening survival of the species in the wild.
Watching the Freycinet devil population crash in 2001 and 2002, Jones worried the survival of the species might be at risk.
«Apart from its clear reproductive function for the survival of the species, as well as physiological support for the quality and quantity of sleep that are essential to individual health and well - being, co-sleeping fulfils basic psychological needs and reinforces and maintains social relations,» highlights Smith.
Indeed, according to new federal rules, neither NIRC nor any other facility can use chimpanzees in research without justifying that the work enhances the survival of the species.
Mass deaths might not be all bad, because local die - offs could help to ensure the survival of the species as a whole
The findings shed important new light on the kind of evolutionary tradeoffs animals must engage in to ensure the survival of their species.
This is quite simply not enough to ensure the survival of species and maintenance of a thriving ecosystem across rural areas.»
«If reproduction is being affected, the survival of the species is compromised.
The study, which ran over a 10 - month period, reveals important gaps in current efforts to protect these endangered sharks and suggests key locations that should be protected to help the survival of the species.
«In a best - case scenario, the work we do with ASU will help us understand how to inform the scientific methods designed to increase conservation and perpetuate the survival of this species,» added Esque.
In May 2008, the Bush Administration, after multiple lawsuits, put the polar bear on the endangered species list and acknowledged that the survival of the species is jeopardized by climate change.
«Over 28,000 endangered lemurs illegally kept as pets in Madagascar may threaten conservation, survival of species
Illegally keeping lemurs as pets may threaten conservation efforts, as well as the survival of the species.
«Chance is a factor in the survival of species
The Darwin Initiative for the Survival of Species, John Major's contribution to last year's Earth Summit, now has a logo, # 1 million to spend in the next nine months and, after a delay caused by May's reshuffle of environment ministers, guidelines on what kind of projects the initiative will support.
Against the odds, a young boy and his family found a small colony of Jambato harlequins, securing the survival of the species and funds for the boy's education.
While dealing with threats to the survival of species, the bill failed to refer to the idea of habitat.
Some day we'll move into space and start ensuring the survival of our species beyond Earth, whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand.
The UK - based Predator Conservation Trust has established the Brown Hyena Research Project to help form strategies to promote the long - term survival of the species and its southern Africa habitat.
The most direct way of explaining why consciousness has prevailed in evolution is to say that it has contributed significantly to the survival of the species so equipped.
While the howling repertoires of most of the 13 species analysed were very distinct, some bore close similarities to each other that may influence interbreeding and, in at least one case, threaten the survival of a species.
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